Master Thesis University Bremen (Germany): Chonic Pain & Health

Dear forum users, My name is Maren Schwarting and I am a student in the master degree program on clinical psychology at the Universität Bremen, Germany. I am interested in chronic illnesses and intend to work in health promotion after my studies. That is why I developed an online-survey on health within chronic pain diseases in context of my master thesis. Here, I need your support in case you were diagnosed with a chronic pain condition (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia). Among others, the intention of my thesis is to be able to give recommendations for tailored treatment approaches. I came up with the idea of this topic during a semester abroad in the Netherlands. Here we learned a lot about chronic illnesses. It would be great if you could take your time for participation. It only lasts approximately 15 minutes and is completely anonymous. You can choose between an English, German, Dutch and Norwegian version. In case you would like to receive general information about the results of the master thesis, have further questions/suggestions or would like to inform me about something, please feel free to approach me ([email protected]). Following the investigation, I would like to thank for your participation by donating money to the German Reuma-Liga. This is an organization that supports people with rheumatism. Per 30 participants 10 Euro (resp. equivalent value in your currency) will be given to this organization. The link below will forward you to the survey. Many thanks in advance for your active support! Kind regards, Maren Schwarting

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