
  1. E

    titles are hard, being sick sucks.

    good morning. i'm new to the forum. diagnosed in june 2015 but it's likely i've had it for about two years. had what now appears to be a flare a year and a half ago, lasting about 7 months. this current one started in march. the fatigue is ridiculous, the pain in the joints sometimes makes me...
  2. I

    yesterday, sad day of mourning

    im posting because im not on face or any other site and this is close and very important to me! yesterday was a bad terrible day for law enforcement we lost two of our brothers on very cruel horrible ways that make me sick! i was alarm response i worked with cops every night i was and am...
  3. W

    I just joined today 8.20.15 hello!

    wow, don't know what to say. I've had fibro for a long time, and its progressed until I feel isolated and alone, and over-joyed when I have the energy that actually has something to do with just fun and NOT another doctors appointment. It makes me sad, and exhausted, wears on me. I've never...
  4. J

    Diagnosed finally! But OMG this PAIN!

    Hello all. Well today I officially got diagnosed. I feel relief knowing it's not cancer or MS or ALS. But I'm sad too because this pain and weakness depresses me so much. I used to be a Paramedic and also worked in the emergency dept. Now? I literally sit in my recliner all day. When I cook, I...
  5. H

    peace and joy are gone

    Is life really this hard?! Do you go around feeling cute puppies, and smiling sunflowers? Where did the simple times go? Where did the direction manual go? There use to be a joy at waking up. The nice routines of a morning. Talking to your young children who were happy to see you...
  6. S

    Lyrica Effect?

    I was diagnosed with Fibro almost two years ago. I'm sad to say that so far I have only got a little relief from my pain meds like Norco. :(. I was on Gabapentin for maybe a year and it did not do a thing even with increasing the dose. Eventually I started getting migraines. Soon as I stopped...
  7. C

    Young, alone and trapped

    I'm 19. I feel stuck. I hurt too bad to work. SSA denied me disability. I live with my parents on an $80 dollar monthly allowance. I've barely dated and have no idea how I would even go about dating someone when I can hardly leave the house. I live in a somewhat rural area so that doesn't...
  8. I

    New and fibro fog messed up user name :-)

    well, here I am, a new member. I hope this forum will be helpful bc I have been having an incredibly difficult time physically, mentally and emotionally. I MEANT to have my user name be in pain and sad but instead thanks to my fibro fog I wrote inpaidandsad .... I just have to laugh or...
  9. C

    Just to say hello

    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue in 2004. I am becoming disabled with the condition. I can hardly walk, now. I am 60, live in UK and work part time. The past few months I am really struggling to walk. I want to keep working but am finding it increasingly difficult. I don't know...
  10. M

    New here, finally!

    If this is confusing at all - I apologize...I am trying to condense tons of information into this space while sick in bed...home from work. My name is "Meesha". I am a military wife of 17 years, this year. Mother of 6: 5 boys and 1 girl. I live in the Northwest with my husband and two boys...