
  1. H

    Tongue whiteness directly correlates with current symptoms

    We all know how our tongues can sometimes get white, and many will notice that it gets much worse during periods of illness. I find that my tongue whiteness is perfectly correlated to how bad my symptoms are at any given moment. The only time my symptoms are non-existent (after an afternoon...
  2. J

    Fibromyalgia and gastrointestinal symptoms

    My cousin was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 3 years ago, whilst I developed trimethylaminuria (TMAU) symptoms. I was living with her parents when my symptoms occurred. Since her mother doesn't have a modern knowledge at preserving food, I have found something common in between us -...
  3. F

    Fibromyalgia facial flushing

    Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Every evening, without fail, I experience red hot facial flushing. It comes up on my cheeks and nose and chest sometimes. This has been an ongoing problem for me for 4 months. I'm just wondering if any one also has this symptom? I'd really...
  4. D

    Extreme heaviness in my head in the morning

    Hello I've been feeling this on and off for a few years but been having it again. It's been pretty bad. I'll be awake and aware of it and dreaming, but can't open my eyes as the tiredness and heaviness is so painful and strong. I'll maybe be able to force an eye open but fall back into sleep...
  5. R


    Fibromyalgia is one of the most misdiagnosed diseases due to symptom overlap. For instance, widespread pain can be caused by sleep apnea, malignancy, hypothyroidism or lupus which cause fatigue. Doctors need to rule out the symptoms of other diseases as they look for an explanation. A patient...
  6. E

    Symptom Question

    Hello all - I'm new to the forum and was hoping for a little bit of insight...I have a lot of the pain, aching, headaches, sensitivities, etc. that seems to go along with Fibro, and I do see that IBS and stomach problems are also general symptoms but I am wondering about other's experiences with...
  7. G

    Hello im new here

    Hello im new here and from Georgia... I have had fibro about 16 yrs... was under pretty good control but lately has been quite bad... More fatigue and new symptom areas ... My meds are not working too well... Feeling frustrated..
  8. R

    hello... I'm new

    Hi, this is my first post and I'm hoping to get some info on my condition. It actually started about 8 years ago. I was at work and a spot about the size of an apricot, just below the left knee on the outside became itchy. Didn't think about it. Gave it a good scratch and ... omg... I've never...
  9. M


    The possibility of Lupis hangs in the horizon. My last blood work came back with a high ANA. Which like fibro presents itself as a auto immune disease. There's no cure, but...if caught early enough can help the Medical community decide what meds to use. I've been on a Marithon, google...
  10. V

    Absolutely furious!

    Hi all, I have just come back from the rheumatologist. My doctor referred me to one so he could diagnose me with fibromyalgia. My doctor thinks I have it. I have every single symptom apart from IBS. I was only in the room with him for 7 mins. I wrote all my symptoms down but he didn't...