

I am not really sure how this works. I am sure this odd to most people but when it comes to computer things i am a complete novice. this is the first time ive ever written a blog about anything. also bare with me because i am writing this on my laptop and keep forgetting it doesn't autocorrect everything as you go so please excuse the errors. i don't really have the energy to fix right now either. i am in the middle of a really bad fibro flare up and i cant find the right words to describe the pain and everything else going on right now. i can barely hold my focus long enough to write this.


Is itchy ears with no infection part of fibromyalgia?

I feel like I'm loosing my mind!!

Nobody understands, the pain,the exhaustion, the numb foggy feeling in my head. I feel so helpless in this battle. I feel so alone. I am supposed to be at work, but I just can't seem to get myself going, I hurt all over, I'm so cold, and I feel like an elephant is sitting on me. So I text my boss and tell her again I can't make it. She is running out of patience, but I don't care, because no one understands. The depression, the shooting pains all over my body in various areas, sporadic pain, confusing pain.

Barely able to move

I'm 20 years old and have had fibromyalgia since I was around 13, and possibly sooner. Something I've noticed is that my body gets very fatigued easily, obviously because of the fibro. For example if I have a busy day, I'll come home, and once I sit or lie down the pain takes over and I'm barely able to move, I usually try to get chores done as fast as I can with out sitting down, then get ready for bed before getting in bed or else I will barely be able to move. I feel beyond drained and I dread moving any part of my body.

Health Benefits & Medicinal Properties of CBD (Cannabidiol)

Amazing Health Benefits & Medicinal Properties of CBD (Cannabidiol) You Need To Know Derived from the Hemp Plant, CBD (Cannabidiol) has shown some promising therapeutic benefits when consumed. It further interacts with the regulatory system of the body to boost the processes. CBD has been already brought into the health industry and its being widely used throughout the world for its natural benefits. CBD compound is an active ingredient of Cannabis sativa plant which has non-psychoactive properties to heal multiple conditions in humans and pets.

Fibro test

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has gotten the Fibro test and how much does it cost? I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for 5 years now, but still struggle with not having a test saying yes, that is what you have. Thanks for any info that you can give.

Fibro and pressure connection

Good morning, This is my first post and am a newbie in the forum. My mom has been suffering with fibro for at least 10 years and the only remedy the doctors have offered up are heavy duty pain relievers. I’m not going to question the medication approach because it is effective for her except in the mornings when she wakes up and has no meds in her system. I’ve noticed a pattern between my mom and her mom that I would like to ask you about. My grandma had a problem with her feet where she was in pain EXCEPT when she put pressure on her foot pads. Pressure seemed to be a remedy of sorts.

My Story

I am a senior in college and over the past few years I’ve been discovering answers to some medical issues I was having making school and work more challenging and sometimes what I felt was impossible. First off I get migraines, some put me in the emergency room all day others kept me home from class, work, and led me to cancelling plans with friends often. I finally got professional help 6 months ago, only hesitating in the past due to money and a lack of anyone to talk to about it.

Natural Pain Relief suggestions anyone?

I am so happy to have others to talk to about this! I have been diagnosed with Fibro but have experienced symptoms from a very young as, as young as maybe 8 years old or earlier. Now that I have a name to add to the face of the beast (maybe more of a pschyological relief than anything), I have been really trying to listen to my body to figure our my triggers, what helps with the pain, and what makes it worse.

Tired of Being Considered Less than

It's hard enough for a Woman to make her mark in this world, much less those who "become" sick..due to NO FAULT OF OUR OWN! I was one that Clawed her way up to a pretty high top as a single mother. I was So proud to make it there..I over compensated for the rough times and spoiled my children but, who wouldn't when you knew it was your fault that you made them homeless for a while. Then, I helped the homeless and an abused teen..
