Dr. Rosalinda C. Moran, MSN

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Dr. Rosalinda C. Moran, MSN is a Rheumatologist that deals with Fibromyalgia patients out of his office in Carson, CA.

This doctor specializes in the following discipline(s):

  • Nurse
  • Health Educator

As of the last update to this profile, Dr. Rosalinda C. Moran, MSN member type was that of: ARHP Health Professional.

If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Rosalinda C. Moran, MSN please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page. Recommendations for changes to this profile can be made through our contact page, or through the comment form below.

Office Address: 
Harbor UCLA Medical Center
Carson, CA 90745
United States


MRUN: 256-95-59  Acct#1581698

Hello Dr. Moran,

I'm writing about pre-appointment blood tests plus a bone scan that you ordered on 10/25/2012 and a subsequent appointment that I had to see you on 11/01/2012. I never had those tests nor did I make it to see see you because I was having car trouble and other medical issues got in the way. You ordered 12 blood tests to done on 10/25/2012 that are as follows: COMP PANEL, HEMOGRAM, ESRW(ESRA), HAV-IGM, HBSAG, HCV-IGG AB, CRP, ANTI DNA, RNP-Sm AB, SSA & SSB, ANTICYCLIC AND RF. You also ordered a bone scan. . . . .

Because I missed taking those tests and also the appointment with you, I had to be rescheduled for another appointment. I have an appointment to see Dr. Cooray on May 7th, 2013. Dr. Cooray ordered 4 blood tests to be done on April 30, 2012 (COMP PANEL, HEMOGRAM, ESRW/ESRA AND CRP), I am wondering why Dr. Cooray has not re-ordered the bone scan nor the 12 needed blood tests. Before I was able to see a Rheumatology specialist at Harbor-UCLA, I saw a doctor (Dr. Mark Benor) at the LA Free Clinic who ran ANA and other tests, which came out weakly positive. I was then referred to see a Rheumatologist at Harbor-UCLA. Blood tests were ordered at Harbor UCLA, to be reviewed by a Rheumatologist.

At my very first visit with the Rheumatologist, it was explained that initial test results might be false-negatives, which is why the 12 blood tests and bone scan are needed to give a more thorough analysis of what is happening to my body.  I also believe that the 13 tests were ordered because of previous history of symptoms(before 2010) and because of a rather severe hypersensitivity reaction to the medication Tegretol, which caused a condition called D.R.E.S.S. Syndrome-(Drug Rash & Eosinophilia with Systemic Symptoms), which required 10 days of hospitalization (March 2010(?)) to stabilize. My thinking is that the blood tests that were ordered by Dr. Cooray will not go far enough to find out why I am having symptoms. I also have and aunt with a diagnosis of RA. I think that I am wasting my time unless Dr. Cooray reorders the bone scan and the 12 tests that you had previously ordered for me to take. Spinal issues (stenosis, vertebrae slippage, arthritis(?)/disk bulge) were recently reconfirmed at Harbor-UCLA (Ordered by Dr. Suskin and the medical center affiliated clinic on Lomita Blvd).

As it stands, I am still in an inflamed state. I am scheduled for OB/GYN surgery on May 8th because of abnormal bleeding from a dysfunctional uterus. I do have fibroids, but the uterine biopsy also indicates an inflamed uterine condition. I believe that this diagnosis is in direct connection to a general state of inflammation through my entire body. I have a Pre-Op appointment with Dr. Liu on April 19th. Hysterectomy is recommended and it is something that I really don't want. If I was able to see you on November 01, 2012, then I believe that I might have possibly been able to avoid this type of surgery. What I really would appreciate is if you could talk to request Dr. Cooray  and request that these12 blood tests and bone scan be reordered for April 30, 2013 instead of the 4 basic tests that he has ordered. If Dr. Cooray does not reorder the tests that you wanted me to take, I believe that I will be denied a proper diagnosis, treatment and delay of care. 

Please talk to Dr. Cooray to expand the requirement of 4 blood tests to the 12 that you ordered, plus the bone  scan. Your cooperation is much appreciated.


Margueritte Hillman


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