Recent content by Determined2014

  1. D

    Does anybody crave ice cream?

    My friend tends to crave ice cream and cake when she is having a flare up, I guess something to console yourself and to make you feel alittle better.
  2. D

    Ebola pandemic

    First of all ,it all started out as a condition that is contacted through body fluids, but all over sudden it has become more than just body fluids, I do not know if it is a new strain, but it has become alarming.
  3. D

    Arm pain

    No never heard of theat,or hear of someone experiencing those symptoms, they tend to be similar to anthritis.
  4. D

    Why so long between visits?

    I guess it all depends with the Physician, and also their schedules could be fully booked, but some Physicians do schedule the appointments far apart, to the point when you go back it seems as though you are a new patient.
  5. D

    CPAP machine

    Most people that I have seen or heard that used the CPAP machine, did not very much like it, and most also claimed that it did not help them much.
  6. D

    Facial Numbness

    That is very weird, because it does not sound like fibro, it sound neurological, sounds like a neurological or a cardio problem almost like stroke or heart attack symptoms apart from the bubbles in the eye, I would check with a neurologist, it all sounds a complicated not to be taken lightly.
  7. D

    Swollen tongue

    Never heard of that, most likely I would say that it sounds like an allergic reaction to a drug or to something that you are taking, let us hope so for this is not a good feeling.
  8. D

    Advise on applying for Disability

    That is what I wanted to say, it is much better to use a lawyer, than going at it all alone.
  9. D

    Daily Things

    I do second you on that,green tea suppliments do work for most people, it does work for my best friend, because she has to work with this condition, so it does help her alot.
  10. D

    Can't Stop Crying

    That is really tough, what you are going through is very tough, somehow there has to be a break, I wonder why the insurance company sometimes can not understand and approve some drugs depending on the urgency of the drug, but I hope all this ease up, take heart.
  11. D

    Do you take alternative medicine seriously?

    do take it seriously, for some reason I tend to believe with time it will be one of the major ways for treatment, although there are different tyupes of alternative medicine, so it all depends, but it does work, the best thing about it is that, it has less side effects.
  12. D

    Vitamin success stories

    Never heard of it, or thought of it, I have always taken vitamins less seriously, but I am going to give it a try and see what difference it makes, but from what you have told us, am sure there is going to be a difference.
  13. D

    Healthy Diet?

    I am sure that eating organic foods, do make a big difference in everything, but the problem is that they are so expensive,, but they have lots of advantages to our bodies.
  14. D

    What is considered a good day?

    A good day is a day that is difficult to come by, but it is a day where the symptoms do not show off, a day when the symptoms are really down, less of everything, that is what a good day is .
  15. D

    Gaining Weight?

    I am greatfull I never gained weight while on this drug, but it is one of the side effects, different people react differently to the side efects, that is the problem with normal tablets, that is why sometimes I settle for alternative medicine.