Recent content by Mikira

  1. M

    anyone have anemia plus fibro

    I can't add much to this discussion other than that I have also had been told I've been anemic since I don't remember when - in my 20's and I'm in my 40s now so it's been a long standing thing. Maybe this is just another 'symptom' that our doctors should be looking at?
  2. M

    My Fatigue Is Horrible

    I'm insanely tired all of the time as well, yet also suffer from insomnia! (Seriously, how can I be so tired but I can't sleep?) I recently was prescribed gabapentin (300 mg at night) which I honestly think is a really low dose. It really doesn't help me at all - maybe takes the edge off but...
  3. M

    Hello-newly diagnosed

    I hope you can fill us in on your issues with sleep - I also have issues with sleep apnea, and while I haven't had any formal diagnosis on it yet (just my partner saying, "wow you stop breathing sometimes when you sleep") it seems to be an issue I'd like to hear more about. Our GPs in America...
  4. M

    What Do You Use for FIBRO FOG?

    This is maybe a stupid answer, but it's not drug induced. :) Personally one of my favorite ways of dealing with the fog is playing games - if you have an android phone, just find a game you really like and make it be one that you have to pay attention to - and one that maybe you need to do...
  5. M

    how does firbo develop?

    It is kind of important to know what you have, because simply, it helps you learn how to deal with it. I deal with fibro, sciatica, and small nerve neuropathy, and I've actually found that the more active I am, the better I deal with it. Honestly, I want to spend 4 of 7 days of the week in bed...
  6. M

    Teeth tooth issues

    So despite my doctors and such, here's the short story - I've had FMS for probably as long as 20 years. In this time I've gone through some serious dental issues, none of which my brothers have (just a background on relatives who don't have FMS at all) I've had serious decay in my teeth to a...
  7. M

    Medical Marijuana

    Just throwing in my two cents - I've tried CBD and didn't have great results from it. Maybe it was the supplier? I like to vape so if anyone knows a decent supplier of CBD I'd be willing to give it another go around. So far, so bad. :(
  8. M

    Does the weather make you cry

    I cry about it - or at least feel like crying. Usually I will get this way when I'm having flare ups, but I don't think it's necessarily the pain that makes me want to cry - it's more the frustration of not always being able to control it, and how it limits me.
  9. M

    Fibro Question

    Yes to both. But now that you know you have it, you can research it and try to do things to help lessen the symptoms. What works to help some people doesn't work for others, so you need to figure out what helps you. In my case, doing yoga helps me a lot. It's often hard for me to get motivated...
  10. M


    Yes, I get this. It's usually worst for me in the mornings and evenings, and I feel like I need to hold on to something just to keep from falling. I haven't actually fallen from this, usually it's just the feeling that I might that bothers me. I do sometimes misjudge things - like knocking my...
  11. M

    Sensory Overload

    I have this constantly. For years I've been tearing the tags out of my clothes, I've scratched my skin raw without realizing it from seams and tags touching my skin. I've been sensitive to bright light for ages, lately I have to take a lot more breaks from the computer, which is not great since...
  12. M

    Red Skin

    I've had issues with red skin, but in my case it usually was in my face turning bright red, and red blotches on the rest of my body, and my joints - knees especially - would get red and puffy. I was able to narrow it down to another food intolerance. Benedryl usually helps. In the past several...
  13. M

    Fibro fog

    @l3itch You aren't crazy! I've often felt the same myself - the feeling I'm lying when trying to tell a story of something that happened in my past. I came across some studies about this, and it gave me some reassurance. Try googling "how memories change when retold". Here's a quote from one...
  14. M

    Fibro fog

    For me it seems like it comes and goes in intensity. One day I'm fine, the next day I can't do simple math. I've been in the habit of leaving myself notes for years, and I set alarms on my phone to remind me of things I need to remember to do. The worst is going all the way to the other side of...
  15. M


    I went through the same thing - I was constantly waking up in the middle of the night, and I would go somewhere else in the house to try to sleep, like the couch or the guest bedroom, or even the floor. I figured it was the mattress that was causing me discomfort, but even when we got a brand...