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  1. J

    Eye issues

    Hi Klikcat, I’m taking Lyrics and it has definitely have eye issues for some time now. I was diagnosed several months ago. My eyesight is blurry and seems to be getting worse. I would like to know if I’ve had permanent damage. I called my optometrist’s office and was told to use eye drops every...
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    I Look 6 months pregnant! 😥

    Oh my goodness; in answer to your looking pregnant i can totally understand. I’m taking 50 mg. of Lyrica twice a day. My appetite is totally out of control. I’ve put about 20 pounds on because I have a voracious appetite. So i too, look very pregnant. It’s entirely annoying!
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    Blurry eyesight

    Heavens to Betsy— i pray this blurry vision goes away. You said yours is off and on, I pray mine is temporary. Has anyone ever said you would do better with eye drops? My dr. said I don’t blink enough (!) so my eyes are dry. When I called his office I was told that taking Refresh Tears 4 times...
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    Blurry eyesight

    Goodness. I spoke with my eye dr. and he advised me to use “Refresh” - A brand of eyedrops (I was told long ago that I don’t blink enough!), 4 times a day.
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    Blurry eyesight

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    Blurry eyesight

    My eyesight has become quite blurry as a side effect of Lyrica. Does anyone else have this problem?
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    I Look 6 months pregnant! 😥

    Hi Dorey, My issue is I have gained 20 pounds since I started taking Lyrica. Yep, I have a big “mid section” because in my case, Lyrica makes me hungry!
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    Hello Clark83. I am terribly sorry you’re having a tough time finding a doctor who can diagnose you. I told my primary care doctor there were times when both of my arms hurt, sometimes to the point of tears, from my shoulders to my fingertips. He walked around me and placed pressure on several...
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    Hello Clark hope