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  1. seniorzala

    Unable to sit

    In the majority of cases, Lumbar L5 and s1 Sacrum is involved in sciatica,less often Piriformis syndrome should be. Investigated. Senior
  2. seniorzala

    Weird pain

    Maybe it's two different things. 1.Rheumatic problems. 2.Venous insuffteincy on the lower limb. Senior
  3. seniorzala

    Fuzzy, Foggy, Forgetful, & Frankly Frightening!

    Anamnezis+Clininal examination+Labor panel =Diagnosis. There is nothing without these. In rapidly progressive disaese as soon as possible.Then you can choose /Allopathy/Homeopathy/ayurveda/Acc... The net often misleads... Senior
  4. seniorzala

    Fuzzy, Foggy, Forgetful, & Frankly Frightening!

    Dear Lori, Since autoimmune syndrome has already occured in the Family,i would like a systeme autoimmune Lab panel.
  5. seniorzala

    Is it worth talking to my doctor

    If possible ,i would like an Immune panel,as well as a Complete Thyroid panel with TSH1 and TSH2 content,it shows more than a plain sample. Are you taking Statins for Chlorestrol? If wouldn't hurt to look at The Liver vessels as well...
  6. seniorzala

    Is it worth talking to my doctor

    Was there a thyroid /TSH1,TSH2/ or immunology test?Type 2.diabetes can interfere ,as can the side effects of many medications.Hepar ok?
  7. seniorzala

    Comparing symptoms and need advice

    CBD oil side effect may be an extrasistolic symptom,but all cardiac complaints should be investigated/Holter,Echo, EKG/ Senior
  8. seniorzala

    Tingling and numbness in arms and hands

    Good Evening, If you have the opportunity,ask for on ENG /electroneurography/,if rules out tunel syndrome Senior