
  1. R

    Probiotics ameliorate fibromyalgia

    Probiotics are found in most natural foods even in vegetables but they are affected by processing and cooking. People with fibro are under constant medication including antibiotics which affect the microbial flora in the gut. These gastrointestinal issues contribute to fibro. Good sources of...
  2. N

    I'm in a bad situation that is turning scary

    My dad made me go see doctor for a second opinion on my fibro diagnosis because he didn't belive that I had fibro, but his doctor also diagnosed me. I've become dependant on my dad and live at his house (very long story short, it was my grandpa's house and i was living here to take care him...
  3. D

    Thanksgiving Caused Latest Flare

    No one in my family gets it. I'm the only woman in a family of men, so it's up to me to make the holidays happen. I spent the first part of the week shopping, spent two days cooking, by Thanksgiving night I was absolutely exhausted. Now I'm hurting all over. My IBS is going wild. I feel like...
  4. D


    Tomatoes and peppers are both ripe where I live. Yesterday I made salsa with a bunch of garden fresh tomatoes. Here's the weird thing - the skin on my hands started burning. It kept me up till 3 am. It think it was from handling the peppers even though I was careful to wash my hands with soap...
  5. T

    Scared out of my mind

    Well I can't avoid it any longer. The time has finally arrived. Forty eight hours from now I will be under the knife having a total shoulder replacement. It scares me to think they are cutting something out of me that I was born with. I am petrified beyond the capacity for rational thought...
  6. D

    Anyone try a plant based diet?

    My new acupuncturist placed me on a strictly raw veggie diet (sans nightshades) for the past week. That's right, salads only, no fruit, no grains, no nuts, no cooking, just RAW VEGGIES. I used to be a serious carnivore and a terrible eater of processed foods and sugars. I've been working on a...
  7. C

    how to help a family member with fibromyalgia

    I have found that there are many family members that come to this site looking to find ways to help their family member cope with fibromyalgia. Below you will find some suggestions that will help you. Please try them and come back to our forum and tell use how it helped you and the member of...
  8. L

    23 and I feel like my life is over

    last December 2014 I had my neck go out as I was reaching for my purse on the ground, was in such excruciating pain that I couldn't move my neck so I was out of work for a week until it finally started to feel better..which my neck did get better, but the trauma that my body went through with my...
  9. C


    Hey everyone, I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I thought it would be a good idea to reach out to others going through the same things as me. My doctor started me on cymbalta so we'll see where that takes me. It feels good to finally have a grip on things and a diagnoses since I've...
  10. Forgetmenot


    so today not only do I have the shakes so bad I look like I need a drink. But I'm brain dead. I had to ring the vets and got in such a mess I had to ring them back.some days I wish I could hid in bed all day. Going to be fun cooking later shaking like this I tell you .