
  1. T

    Newly diagnosed and very confused

    I can't believe everything I am feeling is fibromylagia. 4 years ago I started having sciatica. It would come and go and I worked through it. Did Zumba, walked 2 miles several times a week. But the pain got worse then just didn't go away. Sent to physiatrist who said it was sciatica and...
  2. A

    Fibromyalgia pasient from Norway

    Hi I am living in Oslo, Norway. I got the diagnosis fibromyalgia 6 years ago. It began in 2007 with pain in shoulders that eventually spread in my whole body. I have become worse with time . I am married and I have 4 children. Now I have pain in my Whole body, head, face , ears, neck ...
  3. H

    Are my symptoms consistent?

    I am waiting to get into the doc. Several months ago, I begain having issues with depression, panic, anxiety. For several months I have a very bad stiffness in my feet. When I get out of bed, its like a board is keeping my ankle joints from bending. Walking is very difficult in the a.m. A few...
  4. S


    I am a oncologist from Sudan. I suffer from pain and stiffness since 2011 but diagnosed in 2013. I feel so depressed that I am no longer the same person I used to be. I am writing now while lying on bed in severe pain from the disease and from being off work due to it.
  5. N

    Pain - So Much in One Word

    They always say the Eskimo/Inuit have X number of words for snow...I think we should have a bunch of words for pain. There's that burning pain, tingling pain, dull ache, needles in my joints pain, seizing pain, muscle spasmy pain, hit by a truck pain (a morning favorite). There's also one I...
  6. J

    Fibromyalgia and gastrointestinal symptoms

    My cousin was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 3 years ago, whilst I developed trimethylaminuria (TMAU) symptoms. I was living with her parents when my symptoms occurred. Since her mother doesn't have a modern knowledge at preserving food, I have found something common in between us -...
  7. S

    CoQ10 improvement anyone?

    My friend gave me a capsule of Qnol CoQ10 the other day. Now, I wake up most days with a terrible headache/neck stiffness, or develop the headache throughout the day. The next day, I woke up no headache, neck felt fine, my head clear, aches a little better (just slightly). Now its the 2nd day...
  8. L

    Glad to have found this group

    I came across this group during the several month wait until I can get an appointment with a rheumatologist. I have had symptoms for about ten months. I started with pain and stiffness in my knees. It felt like there was one of those air filled arm bands that kids use for swimming inside my leg...
  9. C

    Tremors? hands and feet pain and prickling

    Hi all , I was diagnosed in the fall and have been given lyrica and elavil for the pain and stiffness, that I've been feeling for awhile. The pain has improved, but now I feel short of breath and have the shakes..which is messing with my energy and makes me look and therefore feel nervous. I...
  10. A

    Has anyone tried muscle relaxers at bedtime?

    I am in the process of going from doc to doc. I have widespread pain that seems worse in my lower muscle groups. Some days stiffness. I found a relative that was diagnosed 15 years ago. She takes a muscle relaxer at bedtime and is doing fine. I will be going to her doc as soon as I can as this...