A challenge for all forum members.

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Active member
Mar 1, 2013
I just started my own blog on the forum.

Now I have a challenge for all of you.

Start your own blogs too, and share all your emotions and experiences.

This way we will learn to know each other better, and even be able to place some of our unexplained emotions.
Until you mentioned it I didn't even know there was blogging here. I'm not much on blogs but I'll give it a go.
I already have a blog on wordpress, and I am horrible about updating it. It's a really good tool, though, for looking back to see how far I've come over the past year. I highly recommend the whole thing, even if you don't have much time to devote. Just some notes to your future self, if nothing else.
I have done the same with a diary and find it really helpful when reflecting back. To see what I wrote, envisioned, dreamed or hoped for the future, and then to read in the future looking back it makes me realize how far I have come, or how far I have not come. It can be very useful for both Fibromyalgia and life in general. Great idea Moxie.
I guess one day i will make a book with my own life stories with all my problems i had before and how i won everything, i hope i can inspire a lot of people.
I keep a journal at home if that counts at all. It is kind of a hodgepodge at this point. Some things are like a diary. Other pages are pieces of poetry I have thought of. And some pages are just filled with inspirational quotes. Some of the pages even have doodles or drawings I have done of birds spreading their wings and flying. If anyone else was to look at it they would probably not understand. But I am the author so I get it. And maybe I will start a blog, but I am not sure.
I actually just recently started a blog, however it's more focused on frugal living and family and whatnot. I'm debating throwing in some stuff on fibro, but I'm not sure if that should be a separate blog or not. Maybe I could get some advice. Would you want a fibro based blog or would you mind a mix of stuff with a little fibro thrown in?
I have thought about blogging but at this point don't have much time. I write different places and it makes it hard to relax off the other writing long enough to find more stuff to write about here. But one of these days I might get around to trying it. :)
I too have a blog but i have not updated it in quite a while...When my daughter was small, i used to blog about her mostly...what she said..what she did..etc. Then I had my son..and you would think now I had more material to blog about..but no, I havent blogged about him at all...

Wonder what he will say when he grows a bit... :) I better get down to it right away!

A blog is a wonderful tool to record memories, events, emotions, etc. Reading an old blog post is so nice...
i didn't know there was a place for blogs here...i will start one...i also have two others elsewhere, one is lifebysuicide.blogspot.com which chronicles my life post suicide attempt, and continues to be a source of cleansing for me, as well as gives me the feeling that i can reach and help others. my other is goodkharmarethreads.blogspot.com about my business, as i have found a way to make a small difference in the world and make a small living for myself and be able to work while dealing with fibro and its long list of tricks. thanks for letting me know there is blogging here. i do think we can help each other by not just chronicling our pains but our victories, our determination, our lives and how we live them because of and in spite of fibromyalgia.
That is a great idea. I cannot, however, figure out how to create a blog on this forum. What is the secret?
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