Anyone else have this type of leg pain?

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New member
Oct 30, 2016
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia but don't how to separate out symptoms. Below is a problem I am having am I am trying to see if anyone else has had this as a fibromyalgia symptom.

This pain starts from the middle of the back of my butt on both sides and goes down both sides to a little below mid thigh. It feels like a healing pulled muscle the does not go away. Sometime the top of the pain in my butt will really spasm.
Also, if I sit for too long when I stand, a will get a excruciating pain as if the muscle in my hip was being put in a vise grip, or scraped deeply.
I just don't know if these could be symptoms of fibromyalgia or not. I am am new to these and don't know what to expect.
Thank you in advance,
Hi! I have had a similar kind of pain and spent years visiting different kinds of doctors. I was hunched over and limping eventually. Finally I noticed a scan of my abdomen/pelvic area noted I had had a bilateral pars fracture of L5 (part of the lower spine) and another said a transitional s1. So they sent me to physical therapy for back pain. I saw an excellent therapist who made me work hard, but strengthened the lower back and hips. After five months of this therapy increasing in intensity, I was off therapy and narcotic pain medication. As long as I keep doing these exercises, the leg pain is less severe. I had another doctor tell me my back shouldn't have caused pain to radiated down my legs, because a better test showed no nerve impingement. So I am very suspicious the leg pain is fibromyalgia. I have so many of the problems that go along with fibromyalgia:interstitial cystitis, migraines, widespread pain and the classic tender points, etc. I know it can be really hard to exercise, but it can really help reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Maybe it would help your leg pain. I'm not talking a little strength. My back muscles are solid if you touch them now. They are very strong, but it took increasing little by little over time to get there, because if you do too much too soon it can cause your symptoms to flare. It was worth it for me to take the pain medicine just until I got stronger. Before that it was keeping me up at night, and I couldn't stand or sit comfortably. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the info. I was considering getting a steroid injection of my hip to see if that helps the hip, which is the major issue. When I sit for a few hours and the hip hits excruciating pain I need to find a solution. The neurosurgeon wants to give me a couple of spinal injections because he thinks it is nerve impingment, due to my spinal stenosis and disk bulging. I may just go ahead with shots since it turns out I may have to fly soon to find a job and sitting that long, don't know if my hip could take it.
Thanks again, hope you keep getting better.
I wish you the best in getting relief. ��
I had cortisone infiltration,,,helps a bit,,,but not really good for our bones,,,,,I now go to a chiropractor,,,,helps a lot,,,good luck
I have this kinda pain and mine is Sciatica.its so painful.down both legs and in my bottom back.its very very painful and can last weeks or longer.
I have a similar pain, mine just goes all the way down my legs at times. I have degenerative disc disease in addition to fibro, and since you mentioned a bulging disc, that could be part of it. I think regardless that the fibro contributes to the amount of pain though. I hope the shots help you, I'm getting an epidural block Tuesday to hopefully relieve some of my pain.
I have had this kind of leg pain. I think it is not uncommon with fibro.
but I very seriously advise everyone against getting any kind of steroid treatment. For one thing, the injections are very painful for another, the effects, if it even helps at all, are temporary! then, you have to have another injection Pretty soon you need a larger dose.

What happens is your body becomes a kind of addicted to the steroids and they are truly poison for your system! I have known more than one person who went this route and ended up nearly dying from steroid poisoning. Recovery from that is very long and very slow and very painful, much worse, I am told, than the original pain. The people I have talked to who have gone through steroid treatment and subsequent withdrawl all say they'd much rather have the original pain back again than go through what they went through.

I would not take a steroid if you paid me a million dollars.
Hello my name is Jeff I have just join this blog yesterday and would like to comment on your leg pain I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia I can say that my life has totally changed from what it was four years ago. I find each and every day to be a new challenge sometimes I have such severe pain in my right leg that I can hardly stand to live another breath The pain radiates from my back to my right leg the leg never seems to feel warm and the foot is like it has frostbite I can differentiate The RA pain from the fibromyalgia pain the fiber myalgia pain is a deep muscle pain and a lot of times the skin cannot be touched the pain is just too great
that's the type of butt and muscle pain I have. I feel like someone is pushing their fist into my glut. The pain runs down my leg all the way to the bottom of my feet.
I have been in bed for 2r hrs wih leg pain it bad. At one point i con sidered the ER.
MY DR IS mean and wont help me with pain. I know exactly what I need, but he wont help me.Thinking of fireing him soon.
Sometimes this can be from your sciatic nerve, which starts at lower back and runs down both legs.

But I have been watching videos of late about the connection between fibro and small fiber neuropathy. These small nerve fibers are all over our body even in our eyes. It seems some researchers believe that fibro attacks the small nerve fibers and causes them to die. That is what can cause the painful, as well as, the odd feelings like cold water sensations, tingling, numbness, cold feelings, etc...
Look up on the internet for a woman named Marla Robinson, and watch her video where she explains more about this type of neuropathy. There are other videos addressing this type of neuropathy and how to manage it, as well as, tests for diagnosis of the condition.

This is still being researched but I have found it to be very interesting and worth watching.
If you can afford Lyrica it also may help.
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