Libragirl, If you think you would like plastic canvas it is easy to do and cheap.
Also if you can sew a straight line you could make a easy quilt like I make for the nursery. All you do is measure the size you want. Then take material, wash it in cold water first before cutting to prevent shrinking. Then cut out the size you need from two matching fabric's. I usually put mattress padding in between the layers to make it warmer and more comfortable to use. Lay one piece of your cut fabric on top of a old or new clean mattress pad and pin it well. Cut around the edges. Then unpin it.
Take the three pieces. Lay the mattress pad down first. Place the two pieces of fabric with right sides together down on top of the mattress pad piece and pin them together. On one edge of the pinned quilt leave a place unpinned about 8-10 inches wide. Put pins on either side of the opening to remind yourself where to stop sewing. Then starting on one sde of that opening sew around the fabric about 3/4 inch in from the edge. Go around the quilt taking care to keep the seam line as straight as possible. When you get close to the edge where you left the opening, make sure your seam line matches up with the seam where you started sewing, then sew in as far as your pin marking the place to stop.
Next check the edges to be sure you made it the whole way without the fabric slipping. Then remove the pins. At each corner cut across the point above the stitching to make turning the corners easier. Then reach into the open area you left and pull the quilt right side out. You should have fabric on both sides with padding in the middle. In the corners you may need to use the handle of a wooden spoon to carefully poke the corners out. Close the opening by folding in the fabric along seam line and pinning it, and hand sewing it closed.
Then take the edges of the quilt and bundle them up in your hand, a bit at a time, this helps the seam lay flatter. The last step is tacking the quilt, as that all parts hold together better. I usually use embroidery thread and a large eyed needle. Thread needle with a length of embroidery thread, and poke it down through the fabric and hold on to the end, check otherside and poke the needle back up close to where it came out, and back up close to where you first poked it in. Tie a knot with the ends of thread. Do the corners first. Then do up one side laying your hand out using your thumb and first finger stretching them out for distance. Make both sides even with knots matching. Then do a row down the middle matching the knots evenly on both sides. Be care not to over due on knots. When done trim off the threads about an inch long. Your done.
Any questions just ask me if this is not clear. I am not a great seamstress like my mom, but this makes a nice smaller quilt or lap robe for any elderly person or child.