
I faked it and hid it since 2005 from my employer but last Sept. I went to the owner of my company and told him about my disease as I told him I feared other co-workers might think I was drinking or drunk at work. I was going to retire on SSD as I'm now 61. He begged me not to and said he would accommodate what ever I needed as he didn't want to lose me as he so valued my skills. What a stress reliever! Should have done it longer ago. I now actually work from home three days a week and only go to my office when I need to. Don't know about others with PLS but any kind of stress or tension is a mobility killer!
I am blessed to still be working as I love my co-workers, employer and the projects and people I've met in my 38 years of working.
Sorry to babble on but fell real bad last weekend and shook me back to reality. Legs gave out and had to be wheel chaired to the entrance of my home. Got inside with help from neighbors and a relative.
Stayed home from work for 3 days to heal the scrapes and bruises! Limitations are something we all will learn the hard way with PLS. I hope that the genetic identification they've just found for ALS may lead to some commonality to our MND and maybe help some of us but maybe those yet to get ALS, MS or PLS.
I pray that something is found that helps some or all of us. Lost a cousin by marriage to ALS this summer. He fought for three years and is now is where there is is no disease and suffers no more.
Good night and bless anyone who reads this!
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