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If your long hear is heavy, cut it.
Fibromyalgia is not always a flare and then "normal". Some of us have pain or discomfort every day, myself included.
Stop PT if it makes things worse.
If one exercise doesn't work for you do another, but you need to keep trying to find something you can do to move your body. If it hurts the next day, do it again anyway but just do a bit less, or try something else. If you stop trying every time it causes you problems you may not ever find something that will work for you or be able to rebuild your strength.
I had to try a lot of different thigs and go at it in different ways before I found what works for me. Don't give up on yourself.
And try focusing more on what you CAN do than on what you cannot.
Hi, i did cut my hair! But for 10seconds puttin it up and then heavy is weird. Even my jaw is weaker when chewin since p.t.. ok i will try and walk more n dance to music so my body moves!!!
Hi, i did cut my hair! But for 10seconds puttin it up and then heavy is weird. Even my jaw is weaker when chewin since p.t.. ok i will try and walk more n dance to music so my body moves!!!
Do u have the heaviness all the time? How did ur symptoms begin?
Autoimmune is one of several theories, I agree one which fits a bit. But as long as the autoimmune cannot be detected in any way it's not that the medical community isn't ready yet - there is simply no evidence, just a vague 'feeling'.
Like sunkacola I always have to be on my toes (pacing, treating) to keep my continual full flare down. Sometimes feels I'm OK, but only cos not too much triggers around and treating it well.
If PT is harming, say so immediately. If they don't adjust it, change quick. If it helps a bit and not harming, consider keeping at it a few months. If a PT listens to you and your body, that's OK. If they just tell you things and do things they always do for everyone, that's not. That's my experience of 15 physios (in fibro-times; plus 10 just for back before).
Ok thx! Ya she said im in the easist movements but does 30 reps on my legs etc and full hr of it! I stopped so i can try to walk more! Does ur heaviness ever subside or is that a flareip? I cant lose the heavyiness in 8 mos since it started. May try chyotherapy next
Thx!! I have tested positive for autoimmune anitibodies and one sgrogens test but no blood inflammation. Its been 8mos since i started some stretchin and then bam! Alll this started w heavy legs n getin off couch being weaker legs. Real no let up this long so im so confused. Ughhh. Even the toilet is so low and i always have to push up n feel weakness. Not much pain so idk. One rhum. Dr said could be fm but all tests like mri and emg of muscles are good but still noone will say whats wrong.
I watched a youtube video yesterday of a pain management dr who specializes in treating and researching fibro. She said brain tests of fibro patients show a difference in brain imaging. Also, our pain receptors are amped up. Your tests will not show something in your legs or hips or arms testing even if you have pain there (and if you also have some other issues going on). But the fibro has to do with messages from the brain. If I am incorrect in my assessment of what I understood, someone else, please correct me. I am only paraphrasing what I saw. Maybe this info will help you,
I watched a youtube video yesterday of a pain management dr who specializes in treating and researching fibro. She said brain tests of fibro patients show a difference in brain imaging. Also, our pain receptors are amped up. Your tests will not show something in your legs or hips or arms testing even if you have pain there (and if you also have some other issues going on). But the fibro has to do with messages from the brain. If I am incorrect in my assessment of what I understood, someone else, please correct me. I am only paraphrasing what I saw. Maybe this info will help you,
I don't think this is incorrect, in fact it makes sense to me. Why else would so many of us feel such a ridiculously increased response to even minor pain stimulus? I have days (as many do) when if I even bump something very slightly it causes searing pain. Prior to having FM I would sometimes find a big bruise on my thigh after doing a lot of physical work and I had not even noticed when I got it. Not sometimes just a tiny bump, nowhere near enough to cause a bruise, is instantly very painful. Obviously, this heightened response to pain stimulus has to be in the brain. Thanks for that info, Anne Marie.
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