I was not able to find a post like this. So, I will ask my question here. What is it like to be pregnant when you have chronic pain?
Thank you for reading.
I was diagnosed with my auto-immune disease when I was 33 weeks pregnant with my first child, at first I was able to cope as this was close to my delivery date.
After the birth of my first child I was diagnosed with post partum depression, at that time I could not not understand why, but now looking back I know it was the culmination of all the events running up to it and having to cope with a new baby and a lifelong illness.
With my second pregnancy it all went well in the beginning but as the pregnancy progresses it got worse, and at times I even wished I wasn't pregnant.
Worse of all I got the post partum depression again, but this time I knew what to look out for and got help immediately.
Being pregnant and in pain is difficult, to say the least, but worth it all the same. I will never be able to imagine my life without my children, they make all this bearable, and the unconditional love they give you, carries you trough the most darkest of times.
Please do not be dissuaded to have a child because I had it bad, all pregnancies, just like all children differ, and yours might even help you with your pain. My mother was diagnosed with MS, and fell pregnant shortly after her diagnosis, her pregnancy cured her MS, and she has no trace of it left what so ever. I do not say pregnancy will cure you, but the hormonal changes, may even reduce your pain. That is however something you would have to wait and see about.
if you do have a baby, make sure of post partum depression symptoms and keep a lookout for them, as you know, fibro and other auto-immune sufferers tend to get depression.