Chronic pain/ dulling of pleasure (meds, or pain itself?)

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Hi all,

I notice more and more that I have a hard time experiencing simple pleasures/joy in situations where I normally would have before. Trying to sort out how much of it is due to chronic pain from upper motor neuron affects of ALS vs. meds.

Would be interested in others thoughts on this & if you have had any success overcoming this by switching pain meds, reducing pain meds, alternative treatments etc.

I have spasticity, pain, cramps, etc. 80mg baclofen 5-6 vicodin a day, 1-2 valium at night, 20mg Celexa.

I'm relatively young (37), ALS is progressing slowly for me (diagnosed Sep 2007), and I have two young kids and a great wife who is able to work at her own business part-time -- I feel like I should be "living in the moment" a bit more than I seem to be able to.


Pain medications, like alcohol, are depressants. Although I do not take any pain meds now, when I had a chronic pain problem years ago, taking any narcotic pain medication would make me terribly depressed.
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