Could I have fibromyalgia?


New member
Jan 20, 2025
Hi all, very new to posting on forums! But I’m after a little advice.

So I’ve had joint pain for as long as I can remember dating back to childhood and was having numerous tests for juvenile arthritis… nothing ever came from it (moved around a lot so inconsistent GP appts) so I’ve always had joint pain, in 2016 I randomly woke up one morning with a swollen knee on the right side to which I couldn’t walk and ever since then I’ve had consistent widespread pain. I’ve had vitamin D tablets, Bloodtest after blood test, MRI scans and Rheumatology appts and never had any information given to why I experience pain. In the past few years I’ve been having numbness in my hands to the point I can’t grip my steering wheel while driving, struggle holding my LO. I have taken the online Fibromyalgia test and it points to that but is there anything else it could be? I have many other symptoms but pain being the most persistent as I feel pain everyday, not always bad that I can’t go about daily life but it’s noticeable. Hope this all makes sense

I’ve been keeping a pain diary as I have another rheumatologist appointment in August which I’ve attached, this is just a snippet.


Hello @Leahhannah and welcome to the forum.
Yes, It seems to me that what you have could very well be fibromyalgia.
You ask if there are other things it could be, and of course the answer is that there are. But I am not medically trained. If your doctor has tested you for all of the things that cause the same symptoms that fibromyalgia causes, and has come up with a blank on all of them, then the answer is that you probably have fibro. Unfortunately, while some things have definitive tests, fibro does not, so it is most often a diagnosis of exclusion. You can search on the internet to find lists of all the other things that cause symptoms similar to fibromyalgia, and ask your doctor if they have tested you for all of them.

While we can't help you with getting an accurate diagnosis, we can help with a lot of other things. If you have any questions about things that people do to cope and manage living with fibro, or what medications people have taken and the results, or simply want to have a place to vent or get support, then this is the right place for all of that and more. I hope you find the forum useful.
Hi I’m in a similar situation like yours , have the same swollen knees, hands you name it . At first my rheumatologist said it was palandromic arthritis now he is saying it’s fibromyalgia. It’s awful not knowing exactly what’s wrong . Hope you find answers soon
I’ve never even heard of that before, but thank you! It’s been too long for me to not have answers
Which part of your hands are numb? One of the reasons may be in the cervical spine.Have you visited a neurologist?
I've had ulnar nerve entrapment while the palms of my hands ache other parts like fingers go numb and tingle. Now I've gotten a new symptom, my left thigh itches badly and my left knee feels like the skin is burnt. Good luck with your diagnosis.
I too have been having swollen knees. They swell then go down for some time. One knee has a cyst pushing my ACL. But yet doctors can’t find a thing with tests and MRI. I hope you get help you’re looking for. My appointment is tomorrow with rheumatologist.