Could it be CFS.. or another autoimmune also

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Nov 27, 2021
The CFS quiz says I can’t have it bc I have other conditions (like fibromyalgia). My doc
is doing a sleep study, I guess to rule out sleep apnea first. I have such overwhelming fatigue it’s almost paralyzing ~half the time. I feel like most doctors don’t listen to me it’s been getting worse since it started several years ago, brushing it off by saying just follow sleep schedule and exercise. It’s not possible with how I feel. When I exercise I’m done for the rest of the week. Not sure if I’m looking for advise or support, any thoughts from the community
Sorry if that was a dumb question. I am guessing worst case scenario, yes it’s possible, perhaps even common. Until I find out, I should assume it is all fibro sx (symptoms).
Hi Lemon,

It's funny - some doctors are happy to diagnose FM and CFS together, while others won't consider it. I'm sorry that you're not getting the support you need. It's just so demoralising when doctors don't listen.

For sure, some people experience this level of fatigue with FM. There are some supplements that you might find helpful, like CoQ10 or Acetyl L-Carnatine, but I'm not the best person to advise because my fatigue is not on that level. A dear friend of mine was like that years ago - she has FM too - and found relief with Amitriptyline, but as I'm sure you know, taking these medications doesn't guarantee the same result for everyone, and they can come with some gnarly side effects.

You might also find ruling out any food intolerances or chemical sensitivities worthwhile. An elimination diet and switching out for more natural household/toiletry products could be something to try. Not the most exhilarating suggestions I know, and I'm sorry for that. I guess in a gesture of optimism, I'd say that I have two very close friends - one I mentioned before, and one who had a dual diagnosis - who both managed to dramatically improve their fatigue over time. I really hope that your situation changes soon, as you start to feel more like yourself 🌻
The CFS quiz says I can’t have it bc I have other conditions (like fibromyalgia). My doc
is doing a sleep study, I guess to rule out sleep apnea first. I have such overwhelming fatigue it’s almost paralyzing ~half the time. I feel like most doctors don’t listen to me it’s been getting worse since it started several years ago, brushing it off by saying just follow sleep schedule and exercise. It’s not possible with how I feel. When I exercise I’m done for the rest of the week. Not sure if I’m looking for advise or support, any thoughts from the community
Lemon, I have that kind of fatigue, but I am much more fortunate because I do not have it nearly 50% of the time. those episodes only hit me a few times a month at most, and I have actually gone over a month now without one, so they are infrequent. Despite all of the things I do to manage FMS, this is one thing that still happens.

I will say, though, that my general feelings of fatigue are less severe these days and I sleep a lot better due I think to the various things I do. I also think for me that fatigue is greatly related to my state of mind and if I can keep busy doing something I am engaged in it is less likely to hit me hard. Movement of any kind, no matter how I am feeling, seems to help as well.

That's just me, of course......your body and situation are different. Just wanted to say I understand what you mean about fatigue being so heavy it is almost paralyzing. I wish for you to find the right combination of things that may help you with this.

Remember that exercise doesn't need to be going to a gym or running a few miles. Exercise is just moving your body in any way you can when you can. So, if you hear a song you like, dance for a few seconds! Just a little bit. Later, take a short walk. Like, 5 minutes. Then do a little stretching, or two hatha yoga poses just before bed. It doesn't have to be a "thing", or one half hour steady or anything else specifically, just a reminder to yourself to move about when you can.

As for sleep -- I sure wish there were a one size fits all aid for that without heavy drugs. Having had a sleep disorder all my life, I am very well familiar with how hard it is to find a solution and how badly it messes with your whole life if you don't get enough sleep on a regular basis. I found what works for me, and now I sleep every night and unless pain is so bad that night that it wakes me up, I usually get enough sleep. I sincerely wish for you that you find a solution as well.

I don't understand why some doctors won't diagnose ME and FMS together. They are not the same thing, so to say a person cannot have both seems ridiculous to me.
I absolutely agree, and appreciate you guys’ input. It helps so much that you understand and have experience and the kindness to share that with me. I have fatigue after things like laundry, etc; going and playing with my kid at the park (so sometimes we bring a friend for her to play with while
I sit), going grocery shopping which I
Do weekly but then I’m feeling half
Dead for a few days. I remember I read in a magazine years ago to try those supplements; then I got pregnant and couldn’t remember why I was taking them and my doc at the time just put me on iron and a vitamin instead. My iron is fine now, so maybe I’ll try those supplements again. Amitriptyline didn’t work for me, so I’ll keep trying what may work. Unfortunately taking one of my scripts and a pain pill works sometimes for the pain just don’t want to take a bunch of chemicals and try to stay more wholistic with everything
I remembered! After trying to remember for the past decade haha… When i was in my teens I used to be a runner, and it was in a running magazine that recommended three things, the coQ 10 the “a”something supplement you mentioned Jemima, and there was a third one, can’t remember what it was, that was supposed to help immensely with recovery (from long distance/ marathon training etc) lol! I never had time to see if they helped maybe time to try now!
It could be alpha lipoic acid - I take that too - or even creatine. Those'd be my guesses!
Yes Jem, the first of those and epsoms baths of course
ME and FMS together. They are not the same thing, so to say a person cannot have both seems ridiculous to me.
If they were I doubt our forums & websites'd be so "fairly separated". Of course fatigue-stuff can help us fibromites too etc.
I’m diagnosed with both, however with ME/CFS first by a Consultant and FM by GP when pain arrived some two years later.
My, and too many GP’s refuse to even acknowledge ME/CFS but literally choose to decide on only FM. That said they are General Practitioners so no major expertise in this area.
I would suggest you ask to see a Rheumatologist, let him/her run more full tests and decide.
Good luck and I hope you get somewhere, both are hard to live with.
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