Digestive Problems (IBS)

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Thanks everybody for your great responses. Have any of you also ever have problems with internal hemorrhoids along with your IBS? If so, how long did you suffer with that and did you change any of your diet?
internal hemorrhoids along with your IBS? If so, how long did you suffer with that and did you change any of your diet?
Hmm, don't know if I quite qualify, but praps similar, altho not diagnosed. Of course that's something I watch out for with foods that neutralize. Raw tomatoes stinging my colon 24h after eating seemed to be related or exacerbate it.
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video on youtube that shows you how to make your own almond milk in about a minute or 2. Just raw organic almonds, almond butter and water.
Good suggestion. I get at least 12 videos shown tho, does it make a difference which video?
My fave sort has sea salt added. Of 4 unsweetened sorts I've tried 1 is 'tasty' for me - same with soy, but different producer.
If you get off dairy read the ingrediants of the non dairy milks. If you see alot of gums you will have gas and bloating. There's a video on utube that shows you how to make your own almond milk in about a minute or 2. Just raw organic almonds, almond butter and water.
Read ingrediants of everything because there are so many bad additives you must be careful. Also as far as I've heard all soy is sprayed just like wheat.
There's also videos that check the ingrediants for you and tell you what is safe
I believe that most of our food is garbage due to depleted soil not to mention the garbage, cancer causing fillers. This is what causes alot of health problems. As well as if used correctly, food and especially herbs are the best medicine. Buy organic or better yet grow your own.
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned chicory root. It is in products promoting high fiber. It caused a lot of issues for me. Reading labels is key for sure.
I think I might have IBS. This is my second flare and for last 4 days my tummy has ached. I have constipation and bloating. I’m not sure what has caused this episode but tomatoes are suspect. I will look at all the helpful posts All I feel like at the moment is so fed up cos it’s something else to add to the list. I’m glad I am the age I am and not so young as some poor members are on the forum. Love to you all on your journeys. Nan❤️
Hope your tummy feels better soon @Nan. :)
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Thanks Fimi it doesn’t feel as bad this morning and Iv (been to the loo!!). I think I’m going to have to investigate for myself but do you know lately I can’t always understand fully with my old brain. Take care and again thanks. ❤️
Just look after yourself Nan and do what's best for you and your body.

And you're not old, just maybe a lot wiser than some of us! ;)
For me, fried food, especially anything greasy is poison for me. Another one is artificial sweeteners, especially sucralose . These throw my IBS-c into IBS-d.
Hi I recognise all you have wrote. I started to take Psyllium after I read a USA ladies book I’d purchased after reading on here. This is a very good forum. ❤️ Some Iv tried seem very sort of having favourites and I feel uncomfortable with that but this forum is friendly with no chumminess. ❤️Nan
The last 6 months IBS has gone off the charts. Vasovagal symptoms, queasy, gas. It’s related to bowel movements, or lack thereof, I think. Had abdominal u/sound which was fine, now having carotid arteries & kidney u/sounds to rule out things. Have had fibro for 35 years and these six are a new wrinkle on an old problem. Trying to eliminate offending foods. If anyone out there has a clue , please let me know. I think it’s cardio-gastric syndrome, or Roemheld syndrome. Involves vasovagal nerve & gastro tract/gerd affecting pulse rate. Wish I had a crystal ball.
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cardio-gastric syndrome, or Roemheld syndrom
I think it's certainly helpful to eliminate trigger foods. I've also had this and much much more GI problems, long gone. Since fibro took over, I decided to get everything down I could and now have my GI problems 95% under control, before it about 80%, in my twenties 0-10%. There are different kinds of elimination diets, you can
  • reduce to about 4-5 safe foods and increase bit by bit from there every few days, or
  • remove typical IBS or hyperacidity trigger foods
  • remove typical food groups for weeks or months (e.g. meat, dairy, gluten, FODMAP, nightshades), or
  • try just 100% healthy, e.g. no processed foods, no simple carbs, many also say: few saturated fats (controversial, depends)....
  • etc.
For reducing Roemheld/gas the Hay diet helped me a lot for about 15 years: "separating" carb-based (like bread) & protein-based (like cheese) meals and animal protein (e.g. cheese) from plant proteins (e.g. soy) in one meal. This shows how combinations might be an issue. And that some things can develop. Altho, apart from this, avoiding triggers hardly put me into any remission at all, seems life-long.
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