@Auriel can I have a big blue hug please? For some reason the colour yellow is too much for me? Nuisance aren't I ?! I too am fond of the blowy kiss emoji and a

too. But I will take any hug, anytime. I send a hundred back at you.β€
@SweetWithSour @Badger @BlueBells and all reading this interesting thread - love how one post can evolve and us with it.
I 100% agree that our physical and emotional/ mental health are tightly woven. If any of these parts of us feel pain, it affects the other parts directly. So the theory Sweetwithsour has of fibromyalgia feeling everything physical or emotionally in a highly sensitized way echoes my thoughts.
Maybe we are more aware of our bodies and minds than others? And that can be a very good thing, in that we try to work with an illness/condition rather than fight it, but the empath thing leaves us open to others pains, and we need to be careful not to absorb too much whilst using our natural ( or maybe extra ) capacity to offer care to others. I am so much a peacekeeper. Yet have very strong morals that I will always follow.
All back to Balance for me. And sometimes we get it right,not always.
I do agree with
@JamieMarc (hi!

) in that he is able to sense the character and principles in others, for me, that's a time to step away. Trust in instincts.
It's now midday more or less so so sense a cuppa is needed.
Wish you all the best days\evenings possible. X