Hi there You can call me Ersatz if you'd like. My father has fibromyalgia, in addition to an auto-immune disease called Sarcoid, and it's definitely cast a long shadow in our day-to-day lives. He's not very techno-savvy, but I figure I might be able to find something useful here that I can pass along to him. Looking forward to meeting you all.
I would just like to say, thank you for caring for your father, his well being and health, and thank you for wanting to understand and better help him! I've always done this for my mother (she has has RSD or what they now call cups for 15+ years....) and now am struggling myself with pain health issues.....
Its wonderful to see family members caring this much... In my experience and my mom's, usually family and friends think you're over exaggerating or faking..... Only a few people really get it.... Usually the bones who get it have in the past or are currently going thru something they can relate to the situation.....
Keep it up! And I hope you can find some great ideas for him!