Feeling lost

Good for you Sunseeker!

Imo life's too short to deny ourselves our pleasures & speaking purely from my own experience,
if you give any of our ailments too much attention it fuels it's self-importance till it becomes all-consuming
& takes total control of your life.

I'm in permanent rebellion & ignore them all - works for me :)

DISCLAIMER: Of course, I'm absolutely NOT advising anyone to do as I do!
Hi Fibro Friends! I recently got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. However I’m struggling with there not being a definitive test that comes back as positive. My fear is that something else has been missed even though excessive tests have been done. I have chronic hives (urticaria) that continues to come back and specialists have no answers as to why it is happening - they just say my immune system is not happy it’s not external factors.. I’ve been put on an anti inflammatory eating plan which is so restrictive. It’s been almost 4 weeks and I’ve seen no benefits. It includes drinking celery juice on an empty stomach every morning, not eating gluten, corn, starch, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. I want to believe this will show benefits soon as it is really hard to give up all these things at once. I am unfortunately still getting home from work and napping for at least 3 hours every afternoon .. I feel guilty I’m wasting my life in bed but there’s nothing I can do about it. Has anyone got any tips or similar experience?
Hi!sorry to hear of your diagnosis.hives isn’t connected to fybro but never rule it out.its how your body reacts to pain and anxiety.theres a multitude of ailments and I’ve had most being a sufferer for 25 years.you have to rest,your bodies telling you,dont fight it.definately try vitamin b and other herbal supplements,exercise,gentle walks not a workout,try and walk and get outside because sitting in just multiplies the ailments.swimming helps me and saunas,luckily i get it free.my wife had hives really bad and they couldn’t find the exact cause and she was covered.it should clear up but it lasted quite a few months for my wife,what fybro symptoms have u been suffering with?medication can seriously react if you take more than 1.don’t feel your on your own we’re in this together to help as much as we can.let us know what symptoms you have and meds.but that’s only if you feel comfortable telling us.my wife wasn’t given a special diet they just said it will clear up eventually.take care👍
I can sympathize with how you feel. I am also left without answer to what causes much of my fatigue and chronic pain. Though im happy when tests come back negative, I'm left confused, still with no answer to what is wrong. All of this has caused me depression with lil to no interest or energy to do much. And sleep seems to be easy. I also, feel like I'm wasing my life sleeping a lot. I want to be able to do many things, as I'm sure u feel the same way. I know what I should be doing but it's getting will to do it is what's hard. I just wanted you to know you are not alone with these feelings.
Prayers are with you
I can sympathize with how you feel. I am also left without answer to what causes much of my fatigue and chronic pain. Though im happy when tests come back negative, I'm left confused, still with no answer to what is wrong. All of this has caused me depression with lil to no interest or energy to do much. And sleep seems to be easy. I also, feel like I'm wasing my life sleeping a lot. I want to be able to do many things, as I'm sure u feel the same way. I know what I should be doing but it's getting will to do it is what's hard. I just wanted you to know you are not alone with these feelings.
Prayers are with you
I can relate to what you are saying. Very much so.
Years ago, I was very frustrated not understanding why my energy was flagging and why I was in pain all the time and getting no answers or help from doctors except pain medication which only did so much. The frustration with not being able to do what I wanted and not knowing why definitely brought about depression for me as well.

Ultimately, I have learned that for me it was important to let go completely of the desire to understand it and to Know Why, and even to let go of the thought that I could cure myself if I only did this or that. Once I was able to let go of that, there was more energy available for me because I was not spending it on frustration and anger. I also do my very best every day to eat a healthy diet and do some exercise, to think positively and surround myself with positive energy from people and avoid people who are stressful for me or negative.

All this didn't happen over night.
Some days I simply do not have the will to do what I know would be helpful, and I don't do it.
On those days I also try hard not to judge myself for failing to be perfect!

I do what I can. I do the best I can. I bet you do that too, @Melsal77 . It's all any of us can do.
I have had I B S since i was a child, I am now 77, I started 7 years ago with Polymyalgia which morphed into Fibro and funily enough my I B S is better now than ever i can remember, like your friend i often didn't make it and it was so embarasing. I think taking any medication seems to bung me up so i take as little as possible just paracetamol when needed. The pain is there all the time but just have to get on with life.
This forum realy helps and i read every word thank you all.
I can sympathize with how you feel. I am also left without answer to what causes much of my fatigue and chronic pain. Though im happy when tests come back negative, I'm left confused, still with no answer to what is wrong. All of this has caused me depression with lil to no interest or energy to do much. And sleep seems to be easy. I also, feel like I'm wasing my life sleeping a lot. I want to be able to do many things, as I'm sure u feel the same way. I know what I should be doing but it's getting will to do it is what's hard. I just wanted you to know you are not alone with these feelings.
Prayers are with you

I can sympathize with how you feel. I am also left without answer to what causes much of my fatigue and chronic pain. Though im happy when tests come back negative, I'm left confused, still with no answer to what is wrong. All of this has caused me depression with lil to no interest or energy to do much. And sleep seems to be easy. I also, feel like I'm wasing my life sleeping a lot. I want to be able to do many things, as I'm sure u feel the same way. I know what I should be doing but it's getting will to do it is what's hard. I just wanted you to know you are not alone with these feelings.
Prayers are with you
What meds are you currently on thanx.i feel your pain xx