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Legendary member
Sep 18, 2015
Any words of encouragement or kindness would be nice....not feeling well...don't want to be a complainer.... but im sick and tired of being sick and tired.....bored and lonely.

I am a cat lover and my two ginger boys died of very old age age 17 and 18 in the last couple of years.

I saw a beautiful litter of kittens online for sale and my partner went to look at them for me and took lots of video footage.....but I don't think I'm up to raising one.

Two of them are particularly gorgeous.

If a kitten or when they grow into a young cat climb up curtains or gets stuck up a tree or on the garage roof i couldn't climb up on chairs or ladders now to help it.

If it got in a fight with a neighbours cat in the night i would struggle now to go out like i used to calling, shaking biscuit box and intervening until they were safely in...and I worry more these days and don't have my old resiliance!

If they got unwell i can't drive anymore to get them to the vets and am reliant on my partner who doesn't live with me.....and you have to plan to give them the best care all their life ....and i would be 70 when a cat got to 18 again???

Am feeling sad and like a shadow of myself. Thanks for letting me vent!
Buy a Coton De Tulear puppy. Very good companion, fun, but also will be happy to cuddle with you. Buy a puppy training pad, there's all kinds on the market. They are on the exspensive side, I have one, but she was a gift. But, she is also my passion.
Chin up!
Sorry your down..
I definitely understand your situation. I'm dealing with losing one last year, and now his littermate just needed surgery. Thankfully, she got the surgery, but I have no idea how I'm going to pay this bill, on top of my own recent surgery bills. I have another that needs care and I'm wondering how I can afford to do that. My cats are always indoor only, so that eliminates the need to deal with neighbors or go searching for them, but I also feed a couple of strays, and the worry is always there, because that colony has dwindled over the years, as some have been lost to the elements/wild animals in the area.

This may not be the time to seek out a new animal companion. Is there a point where your partner will be living with you, or is this separate living situation permanent? If so, it's probably best to minimize your need for assistance for things such as transportation to veterinary visits. If your health is stable enough that you would be able to go out at set times and days, perhaps you can work it out somehow with a friend or neighbor that you could spend some time caring for animals at a nearby shelter, but if not, perhaps it would be best to just focus on yourself right now, and work on feeling better both physically and emotionally.

Who knows what the future will hold, and maybe at some point your situation will improve enough for you to get another pet, and there are always cats of a regular age and also seniors that need loving homes, since many prefer to take home the kittens and leave the others.
I would find it hard to keep a kitty doesnt seem natural to me although i know many people do have happy indoor cats.

Thanks for replies. I wish i could post picture of these particular kittens they are exceptionally gorgeous but maybe not for me.....i don't have neighbours i would want to bother and can't rely on my health at all.

It's an achievement to make lunch and be up for a while so i think that clarifies it would be too much responsibility...gosh what a sad state of affairs...I used to have a responsible job in Banking ,run a home,look after my family!!!
Willow, I'm not sure how pets work in the UK, here we have shelters and you can adopt . I have had indoor and out door cats. Only one never tried to go out! But the ones that did get out always made it back. Sometimes scuffed up but they survivrd. The fire department will get them out of a tree or the local humane society. Luckily mine have always found a way down in time.

If you have a way to adopt a grown cat that already is set in its ways (indoor lap kitty) that would be great. If not, get a kitten and train it up your way. Find the cutest, smartest one you can, if you find you just can't do it you can re-home him. If he's cute that should be easy. If he's smart you probably won't have to.
I would get a male and have him fixed strait away and that will lessen the chance of both cat fights and spraying.

We've had barn cats that lived for years with no help from us.

I understand your concerns, but 70 isn't that old! And you don't know until you try.

Are you strictly a cat person? As a low maint. Small breed dog would be a god option to.

Pets love us unconditionally. I will keep mine until I can't care for them. But I think you can if you train it right and nuter him strait away.

We loose so much to this sickness. If a kitten will bring you some happiness, give it a try.
There are days I am so sad because I get so tired of being tired too. It is so frustrating to want to do things and not be able to. I am not quite 50 years old, but have felt very old for a very long time. I started having symptoms in high school. I have always been a dog lover, but I can't afford to have a dog because I struggle to even pay my bills. I have a cat for the first time in my life. He is inside only, no going outside so he doesn't have interactions with anything that would require those yearly vet shots. I have to scoop his litter and put in a bag outside until the day I have energy to take it to the hole in back yard where it needs to go. But I don't know what my life would be like without him. Sometimes he is the only thing in this world that makes me feel better. Get a cat condo right off the bat, they are pretty cheap if u order off ebay, and that will be the place u kitty will climbs. There are so many cats that have no one to take them home and will be put to sleep. Do this for yourself and the lucky kitty u will give love to. Most people that have cats aren't home very much, always at work. U can spend more time with u lucky love.
Massage therapy is the best thing to keep u moving. Of course u insurance probably won't cover it. And I am not talking about Swedish relaxation massage. I am talking about someone who is very knowledgeable about the body and it's systems. Someone that does deep tissue work. It will be painful but the benefits are immeasurable. The doctors have tried to send me to physical therapy clinics but they are not sufficiently trained in soft tissue problems. Once a month, if I can afford it, will give me more movement and less pain. I get more benefits from massage than anything else
Aww willow. Hmmmm now I'm in the same boat. But for me it's dogs.i want another so badly.but can I give it the care it needs.
For now no.but who knows never say never willow.i just keep saying .... Soon I'll have a new puppy.or in your case a kitten.
You are also living these problems before they have happened. What if the kitten don't get stuck up the curtains.what if it's happy to stay inside,I lived in Canada for a few years .and the winters are so cold our cats didn't want to go outside.
Maybe top worrying about what ifs ,and find alittle bit of happiness with a fur baby.
I just phoned up to try and get the kitty i liked and he is gone..ouch.

He was exceptionally pretty and cute. I'll keep an eye out maybe for another.

Maybe you can adopt an already accustomed "House Cat"? This way, he won't want to go outside and you won't have to worry about him disappearing or getting injured. :-) I had a house cat once. His brother was always outside, but he was afraid of his own shadow and only got out once and we found him right under our porch lol
That's a very good idea sarafina,:)
Adopt a nice senior Kitty and keep him inside.He will happily snuggle with you!One litter box isn't to bad!
I'm sorry you are feeling blue Willow. I understand about being so tired of all this. I too feel like I have gotten so old before my time. For me it's my garden. I used to have a huge vegetable garden - Now it's all weeds. For a while I kept up with my flower gardens, but now I go out and wonder how I am going to pull up all those tree seedlings. My husband was never into gardening, but now he is taking over more and more by necessity. We also have three cats. They are pretty ideal pets I think. Very low maintenance, hardy and not prone to illnesses. I hope you can find one that's just right for you.
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