Fibromyalgia and breathing

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New member
Jul 5, 2016
Dear all,

My girlfriend was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in Junuary 2015. Since then, I have been reading scientific papers and books regarding fibromyalgia and chronic fatique syndrome (from which she suffers too). One specific (Dutch) book, written by a psychiatrist, got my attention. In it, the potential link between breathing and chronic fatique and the science behind it is described. And now I wonder whether there might be a link between breathing and fibromyalgia.
My question to you: could you ask someone to observe the way you breathe for a minute or so? During this minute, try to lay your focus on something that relaxes you. Reading a book or playing a game on your smartphone for instance. What I would like to know: the frequency of your breathing (how many times in a minute?) and your way of breathing (abdominal or chest or both?). Of course, you do not have to do this! But I would really appreciate it.

Kind regards,
Why is it that nobody responds? I see that this forum is quite active. Please let me know why you do not respond. Too much work? Or do you feel offended by my request?

To make it a little easier (though less accurate), you could simply observe your own breathing. Count the number of breaths (thus in and out) in three minutes or so.
Please don't be offended. There are many people here, but some can't see new posts and others are in very different time zones. For example, I am USA EST. I usually can only get on at work and it's difficult to get someone to do something like that for me. I just did it myself and I inhaled and exhaled 11 times. Mostly from my chest. Hope that helps.
Please don't be offended. There are many people here, but some can't see new posts and others are in very different time zones. For example, I am USA EST. I usually can only get on at work and it's difficult to get someone to do something like that for me. I just did it myself and I inhaled and exhaled 11 times. Mostly from my chest. Hope that helps.

Dear Sarafina,

Thank you for your reply. I do not feel offended, I was just curious. I didn't think about the time zones...
And thank you for measuring your breathing. Yes it helps, I have a first measurement. :) (Well, a second, along with my girlfriend's).

I really hope more people will respond: measuring it for yourself is fine too! One minute is fine too... It is a little less accurate, but for now that doesn't matter. If I gather enough information I might be able to convince someone at my university to start research with me.

A pitty that nobody else replied. If you read this thread and decided not your measure your breathing frequency, could you at least tell me why not?
They instructed me to breath deeply and slowly from the gut when I am having trouble with pain. I think chewing tobacco had something to do with it because my mouth was occupied and I breathed shallow through my nose.
They instructed me to breath deeply and slowly from the gut when I am having trouble with pain. I think chewing tobacco had something to do with it because my mouth was occupied and I breathed shallow through my nose.

Dear JobJobe33,

Thank you for your reply. So I suppose you stopped chewing tobacco?
In my (well, not exaxtly mine) theory pain correlated with breathing too deep and/or too fast (due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system: being stuck in the fight/flight mode).
Did beathing deep and slowly help to relieve the pain?

Kind regards,
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