What a nightmare you're going through. It's more than obvious that something major is going on. Are you eating and still losing weight or are you not eating? If you are eating--something isn't letting you absorb nutrients. With my daughter, her issue was her intestines--she absorbed nothing from what she ate, for instance. If you aren't eating--it's entirely possible that you've got major deficiencies in areas that keep us healthy--Vitamin C, D, b12, just to name a few.
Memory: Are you by chance taking or did you take Neurontin? It caused me to have major brain fog. I'd forget how to get places I knew how to get to. i'd call home in hysterics because I was lost a mile from home. Stopped the Neurontin--and gradually, those symptoms went away. I have no idea if Lyrica can cause similar issues--as I refuse to take it after the Neurontin fiasco.
Fibromyalgia does NOT--let me repeat--does NOT cause muscle atrophy in any way shape or form. It causes widespread pain above and below the waist--feels much like joint pain. We have hyperactive pain signals, basically. What might be mildly painful for one would be very painful for one with fibromyalgia.
Your problem now is going to be the mental issues--they will go against you because the first thoughts of all doctors will be something mental going on--and, as I'm not a doctor, I certainly can't rule that out--but my suggestion would be to see an entirely new clinic or doctor and not mention the attempted suicide at ALL to them. It shouldn't matter and you should be able to be totally honest with your doctors--but that isn't always the reality of the situation.
I'd suggest you see a neuromuscular specialist. Also--get COPIES of all your reports. You as a patient have a right to copies of all reports--including and specifically the MRI reports. Many of your symptoms are very familiar to me--and I have lots of spinal issues--just now being suspected as ALS rather than spinal related. IF you have fibro--you could have pain where someone else with these symptoms may not. Get those reports. All of them.
The good news here is that apparently your EMG/NCV are normal--what limbs/areas were tested? One arm? Both arms? Legs? Normal EMG/NCV should rule OUT ALS totally. An emg would pick up things before you even noticed them--nerve degeneration and regeneration. Eventually, muscle atrophy happens in ALS when the nerves aren't able to 'connect' to the muscle anymore (in very basic terms)
There are a whole host of possibilities that need checked. The first that comes to mind for me is MS. MS causes spasms, pain, cramps--and they can all come and go. It's ruled OUT by Evoked Potentials, MRI of brain and spine, and a few other tests.
If you have fibro--the 'fog' is a common thing seen with it.
All in all--I'd definitely get in to see a neurologist that specializes in neuromuscular and motor neuron disorders.
Memory: Are you by chance taking or did you take Neurontin? It caused me to have major brain fog. I'd forget how to get places I knew how to get to. i'd call home in hysterics because I was lost a mile from home. Stopped the Neurontin--and gradually, those symptoms went away. I have no idea if Lyrica can cause similar issues--as I refuse to take it after the Neurontin fiasco.
Fibromyalgia does NOT--let me repeat--does NOT cause muscle atrophy in any way shape or form. It causes widespread pain above and below the waist--feels much like joint pain. We have hyperactive pain signals, basically. What might be mildly painful for one would be very painful for one with fibromyalgia.
Your problem now is going to be the mental issues--they will go against you because the first thoughts of all doctors will be something mental going on--and, as I'm not a doctor, I certainly can't rule that out--but my suggestion would be to see an entirely new clinic or doctor and not mention the attempted suicide at ALL to them. It shouldn't matter and you should be able to be totally honest with your doctors--but that isn't always the reality of the situation.
I'd suggest you see a neuromuscular specialist. Also--get COPIES of all your reports. You as a patient have a right to copies of all reports--including and specifically the MRI reports. Many of your symptoms are very familiar to me--and I have lots of spinal issues--just now being suspected as ALS rather than spinal related. IF you have fibro--you could have pain where someone else with these symptoms may not. Get those reports. All of them.
The good news here is that apparently your EMG/NCV are normal--what limbs/areas were tested? One arm? Both arms? Legs? Normal EMG/NCV should rule OUT ALS totally. An emg would pick up things before you even noticed them--nerve degeneration and regeneration. Eventually, muscle atrophy happens in ALS when the nerves aren't able to 'connect' to the muscle anymore (in very basic terms)
There are a whole host of possibilities that need checked. The first that comes to mind for me is MS. MS causes spasms, pain, cramps--and they can all come and go. It's ruled OUT by Evoked Potentials, MRI of brain and spine, and a few other tests.
If you have fibro--the 'fog' is a common thing seen with it.
All in all--I'd definitely get in to see a neurologist that specializes in neuromuscular and motor neuron disorders.