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Dec 2, 2016
I have never in my life been a "fumble fingers" kind of person But in the past year I have started dropping things frequently. I probably drop something once a day, whereas previously I virtually never dropped anything. Sometimes I will drop something, pick it up, drop it again, pick it up, drop it again. It drives me nuts, and means I have become very very careful when handling breakable things - two hands always. When using two hands I don't drop it. But.....this is so annoying!!
I only drop things sometimes but am really struggling with fiddly things like buttons or anything that requires 'pincer grip' I feel like I have bananas for fingers most days, it's really frustrating in work!
This started for about a year ago. It's a weird feeling, because my hands don't necessarily hurt, they just don't 'work' that well. It doesn't happen all the time, I just have periods where I drop things a lot more often.
Me too...i drop things, walk away and forget things that are cooking so many burnt offerings end up in the bin, and sometimes it feels like my hands aren't connected to my brain and dont do what my brain is telling them..if that makes sense.
My problems started 4 years ago, I would drop things constantly, so often that people at work starting making jokes about it. I laughed it off at first, but then combined with neck pain, the diagnosis of the doctor made sense months later. Herniated discs in my neck showed that the nerves going to my arm and hand were not functioning well. The neck pain was so sever that I tried everything before the operation - the pain only got worse, but my hands were back to 'normal'. But only for 3 years.

But now....they are again in bad shape, shaky, dropping things. I never ever want another surgery in my neck, so this time instead of going to the doctor about it, I taught myself to live with it. So when lifting important things (cups of hot liquid, pans when cooking etc), I do it slowly engaging my whole arm. And often using both hands. You get used to it, I suppose...but mentally it is another thing :(
My hands also feel kind of clumsy..like they wont do what i want them to do combined with a weak feeling. What causes herniated disks in the neck Vicky?

How was it diagnosed?
Yep.me to,i drop so many things ,it to drives me nuts,when I'm out I always drop my cards out of my purse,I drop pens paper
Can't pick up paper for toffee.drop tea towels every time I get one out the draw.
I drop,bath towels .sometimes I don't just drop them I seems to throw them across the room.i love flinging money all over the floor.im a master at it.
Yep! I started by droping my hairbrush or comb. Now I am also fumbe finigers. It just depends on the day I am haveing.Your not alone!
And don't get me started on pegs.
lol forgetmenot. The worst thing for me, of all things is tablets! I take Colecalciferol twice a day for Vitamin D deficiency & Amitriptyline at night & both are really tiny tablets. Trying to get these out the pack or trying not to throw them about the floor is impossible! Nightmare to find the little blighters too when I drop them!
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