Hi everyone...my name is Jeanne. I was diagnosed with Fibro back in 1995 and with SLE in 1996. For a few hard years, they kept me almost house bound but I finally set my mind to a point that I was not going to let either illness take me down without a fight. At this point, I am not on any medicines for either illness. I do have muscle relaxers on hand in case I need them after working in the garden or on my house that I am building for hours at a time without stopping. My thing with the Fibro is once I start doing something, I have learned over the years, to not stop and sit for very long periods because once I do, that's it. SO, when I am outside working in the yard, in my nice sized garden or on my little house, I just keep at it until I am ready to call it a day. Once I stop for good, I know that I will have to take the muscle relaxer in order to relax or there will be no sleep that night. I have learned also thru the years to not let what others say about my not looking sick effect me at all. With the SLE, there were times I could hardly walk or sit and it was all due to stress of living with the man I was married to...found that out the hard way because once we split, my system evened out and I have had not s single flare up with either illness. I thank GOD everyday for what HE has gotten me thru over the years. Now that it is spring time, I am out in the garden for hours at a time planting my own produce to harvest as time goes by. I want to thank everyone ahead of time for what this room does for others....thank you all..:lol: