Hello fellow sufferers

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Senior member
Apr 2, 2021
Hi all, I hope that you are not too bad today.
I drifted away from forums, teething problems with apps and fibro fog dIdn't help. It's been a tough few years with bereavements and dealing with PIP.

Fibro began as a teen, diagnosed at 20, mental health issues cost a great deal. In my forties now and trying to come to terms so I can function. Hopefully the things I'm trying are worthwhile and helpful in future.

With compassion and respect I wish all fellow Fibromites well
Hi Badger,
Happy to have you here. Ahh, we all understand how murky the dreaded fibro fog can make things! I'm sorry to hear you've been through such a lot, but great that you've got to a place where you can now focus on figuring out new ways to turn forwards. It's all incredibly hard to navigate, I know, but made a little easier with a supportive community to turn to. I wish you every success and appreciate your kind sentiments 🌻
Thank you very much for the welcome, it will be good to keep in touch with other sufferers. Close family and the few friends that have stood by me are supportive but not many know quite what it's like with chronic illness. It can get tiring pushing yourself forward and wondering what to do for best. After browsing Fibro news articles I thought of checking out forums with a mobile friendly layout.
You're right, it's really hard to convey what this is like to anyone who hasn't experienced it - even if their intentions are fantastic. Whenever you need a battery re-charge, you can come pay us a visit. I hope it helps!
Welcome! I'm not too bad. Hope you are well. Welcome to the site and I'm hoping to see you around!
I couldn't find any Badgers to take a photo of, but I know where i can find a Grufalo if that will do?
Yes a Grufalo, you don't forget the look in the eyes. Badgers and foxes are a regular sight here on Anglesey.
Here you go @Badger
Ah, the Gruffalo at last! o_O

Just read up again that it's a modern (1999) British rhymed tale about a cunning mouse that protects itself by making believe that it has a scary Gruffalo as a friend. Then the Gruffalo appears in real life, so again the mouse protects itself by making it believe that it itself is scary, which is "proven" by everyone being scared when the 2 crop up together (that 2nd part is based on a Chinese folk tale about mouse & tiger). In German "Grüffelo" (the illustrator is German).

I guess a lot of us 🐭 need a make-believe gruff-buffalo 🐃 with us once in a while, and shdnt be afraid of others' Gruffalos. 🐁
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