Hi, finally decided to join a group to vent:wink: I've suffered from CF then Fibro for around 10yrs. My gp diagnosed me when I asked him if this could be fibromyalgia sometime around 2005. He sent me to a rheumatologist who said that it wasn't anything that she normally treats(ie arthritis) but we could try some pain meds. I wasn't liking the idea of strong meds so I declined. The pain moved around on came and went, I tried another rheumy when Lyrica came out, but that stuff messed with my head and made it hard to concentrate at work- still had a flare. Tried Celebrex and that seemed to take the edge off, but for some reason my gp didn't like me being on it, so now I'm back to regular Ibuprofen. Right now the worst time of day for me is mornings. I dread going to sleep, because I wake around 4am with excruciating pain in my neck and shoulders, roll around till 7:30 because I'm so tired, then groan my way out of bed because I can't stand lying in pain any longer and stiffly make my way to the couch. My neck and shoulders at bedtime one or two Advil and magic heat bags to warm my feet. I still wake up in pain, but at least i fall asleep faster in get into a good deep sleep for a few more hours. I'm still looking for a cause! I think that's what bugs me the most - not knowing why or when a flare will happen. Sitting at the computer to long - shoulders aching - thanks for reading and letting me vent my pain.