Help !!


New member
Oct 16, 2024
Hi all I’m a newby and looking for help if possible so all this originally started about 12 weeks after giving birth to my son he is now 3 and a half i suddenly started getting a dull ache/pain between my shoulder blades but mainly to the left side just put it down to poor posture from pregnancy I went to see the doctor and she said it was indegestion and prescribed lanzoprole (I know what indegestion feels like and it wasn’t that) and started seeing a chiropractor which helped a lot on my assessment she also confirmed I had a twisted pelvis but with regular sessions it could be rectified anyway fast forward 3 years and for the past 3/4 months Iv been getting chronic stomach pains/ache upper/lower abdomen pain started in my right hip and is now alova my pelvis lower back my groin buttocks both knees which feel like there burning but only on the insides it’s so strange my thighs calf’s and ankles ache even the bottoms of my feet sometimes and I keep getting the same pains in my arms which is waking me early hours most nights with pins and needles in my hands over the last 2 weeks I can literally feel my muscles twitching and Iv started grinding my teeth (I don’t know I’m doing it) I’m currently having lots of tests blood works come back normal but iron low (nothing major) also raised blood pressure I was in so much pain last week with stomach and chest pain I took myself to A&E the doctor there mentioned possible fibromyalgia I’d never even heard of it basically prescribed me codeine said I’d got to wait till my scan and sent me on my way I’m so fed up Iv got 3 young children and all I want to do is sleep it’s so hard I feel useless does this sound like fibromyalgia and what can I do to ease the symptoms 😔
I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this, especially with three young children in your care.

It’s good that your doctors are doing more tests to rule out other things.
In the meantime, you might want to Heat therapy which is just a warm bath or heating pad which can help relieve muscle tension and pain.
Hi all I’m a newby and looking for help if possible so all this originally started about 12 weeks after giving birth to my son he is now 3 and a half i suddenly started getting a dull ache/pain between my shoulder blades but mainly to the left side just put it down to poor posture from pregnancy I went to see the doctor and she said it was indegestion and prescribed lanzoprole (I know what indegestion feels like and it wasn’t that) and started seeing a chiropractor which helped a lot on my assessment she also confirmed I had a twisted pelvis but with regular sessions it could be rectified anyway fast forward 3 years and for the past 3/4 months Iv been getting chronic stomach pains/ache upper/lower abdomen pain started in my right hip and is now alova my pelvis lower back my groin buttocks both knees which feel like there burning but only on the insides it’s so strange my thighs calf’s and ankles ache even the bottoms of my feet sometimes and I keep getting the same pains in my arms which is waking me early hours most nights with pins and needles in my hands over the last 2 weeks I can literally feel my muscles twitching and Iv started grinding my teeth (I don’t know I’m doing it) I’m currently having lots of tests blood works come back normal but iron low (nothing major) also raised blood pressure I was in so much pain last week with stomach and chest pain I took myself to A&E the doctor there mentioned possible fibromyalgia I’d never even heard of it basically prescribed me codeine said I’d got to wait till my scan and sent me on my way I’m so fed up Iv got 3 young children and all I want to do is sleep it’s so hard I feel useless does this sound like fibromyalgia and what can I do to ease the symptoms 😔
Greetings, and welcome to the forum.

First ----Please put punctuation in your posts, and break the text up into paragraphs. Many of us here have a hard time reading blocks of text, so if you want people to read what you write it really helps if you make it easy for them. And it's also very difficult to read a post that is all one long sentence without punctuation. Thank you! :)

What is going on for you could be fibromyalgia, but unless you test negative for all of the many other things that can cause the same symptoms (and there are a lot of those), you won't know for sure. So the first thing is to do some research so that you know all of the tests you should have, and get them done.

the next thing is to find, if you can, a doctor who is up to date informed on fibromyalgia. This may not be easy. Don't let anyone tell you it's all in your head or just run a so-called "pressure point" test on you and "diagnose" you that way.

Be careful with taking drugs like codeine, since they can be addictive. Sometimes with those pain medications they will help for a while, and then you need more and more of the drug in order for it to do any good.

Easing the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be done! The only thing one can really tell you how to do it, because what works is different for everyone. So, we can and will happily tell you what works for us, but that doesn't mean it will work for you. the only thing you can do is try things for yourself and find out.

There are some basics, though: Eat a HEALTHY diet. Avoid sugar and alcohol. Get enough sleep. Reduce stress. Get some exercise every single day even if it is very gentle. Don't over do it. Learn your limits; learn to listen to your body.

The more you can increase your overall health, the better you can deal with the fibro symptoms.

Check this post, for a lot of good suggestions of things you can try:

And, stick around. We are here to support and help each other the best we can. You are not alone even though it feels that way. You can come here and just complain if you want to, we don't mind.

And ask any questions you may have.....we are not doctors, but we will try to help any way we can.
Hi all I’m a newby and looking for help if possible so all this originally started about 12 weeks after giving birth to my son he is now 3 and a half i suddenly started getting a dull ache/pain between my shoulder blades but mainly to the left side just put it down to poor posture from pregnancy I went to see the doctor and she said it was indegestion and prescribed lanzoprole (I know what indegestion feels like and it wasn’t that) and started seeing a chiropractor which helped a lot on my assessment she also confirmed I had a twisted pelvis but with regular sessions it could be rectified anyway fast forward 3 years and for the past 3/4 months Iv been getting chronic stomach pains/ache upper/lower abdomen pain started in my right hip and is now alova my pelvis lower back my groin buttocks both knees which feel like there burning but only on the insides it’s so strange my thighs calf’s and ankles ache even the bottoms of my feet sometimes and I keep getting the same pains in my arms which is waking me early hours most nights with pins and needles in my hands over the last 2 weeks I can literally feel my muscles twitching and Iv started grinding my teeth (I don’t know I’m doing it) I’m currently having lots of tests blood works come back normal but iron low (nothing major) also raised blood pressure I was in so much pain last week with stomach and chest pain I took myself to A&E the doctor there mentioned possible fibromyalgia I’d never even heard of it basically prescribed me codeine said I’d got to wait till my scan and sent me on my way I’m so fed up Iv got 3 young children and all I want to do is sleep it’s so hard I feel useless does this sound like fibromyalgia and what can I do to ease the symptoms 😔
Hi!sorry to hear of your awful symptoms and how it’s getting you down.
With what I’ve read you could definately have fybromyalgia due to all the medical trauma you’ve been slowly creeps up on you and before you know it you’re in agony and not knowing which way to turn.
I would definately go back to the doctors and have a thorough check and discussion with them and don’t rule out fybromyalgia due to the trauma you’ve been through.don’t let the doctors fob you off.ask if you can be referred to the pain u feel depressed?don’t be afraid of taking antidepressants because like fluoxetine can be a real saviour and pain medication.
I’ve lived with fybromyalgia for nearly 30 years and tried everything and had every test under the really is a minefield and everybody hasn’t the same symptoms.trauma can really wreak havoc on your body.
Good luck,read the forums on here and remember we’re all in this battle together xxxx
There's an excellent book called "What your doctor may not tell you about Fibromyalgia," Check your library for it and continue advocating for yourself.