Oh dear, very sorry to hear that! But good to hear about your "award". Just important we don't identify ourselves as disabled, it's just a label that can support us.
For a self-ironic lark I often answer: "Man, I'm not disabled" when esp. my wife is a bit too considerate. My disablement status is life-long due to fairly harmless seizures, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to keep feeling as disabled as I am now. (Altho I've lost a bit of hope since the jabs.)
In a bad patch myself I have exactly the same problems as you, just praps a little better.
However I detest bed in the daytime, and as lying hurts just the same I prefer my standard position, twist-stretched sitting leant against my couch, which is something which'd really hurt in bed.
And I also need the gentle distraction of doing things at my laptop. No music anymore at the moment, but a bit of work and of course "fibro-work" like here & research, so I can get a further handle on things.
"No music" isn't quite true, I was asked to do a 15' improvisation yesterday (2x5' cycle there and back), and it went quite a bit over my limits, but was worth it. But no practicing or recording.
How do you spend your days?
When we started thinking about a wheelchair we decided that this wouldn't be a help at all. If I can only walk a few steps, then I only walk a few steps, but I do that. Also normal sitting is a big problem for me, I need to twist-stretch all the time, in a wheelchair would be excruciating. To get further I have my bikes, one now with a very low bar, and that slight slow movement in flat surroundings is best for me - hurts less than anything else, distracts and gets me places (at the moment only 10-15 minutes a way) or just moving. (But I live in brilliant surroundings - which is what I think living is about, but I'm also lucky that it's still perfect with fibro & MCAS.) The "good" sunny & windy weather is also keeping me indoors gladly, as it quickly hurts. (I do love looking at it from indoors or enjoying a quick stint outside.) I try to air and keep stretching and starting self-acupressuring again more, e.g. for energy.