Hi I’m a new member in pain


New member
Oct 23, 2024
Diagnosed with psoriatic disease 30 years ago. Now have Fibromyalgia also. Have been extremely down with severe mostly upper body pain. Joints and muscles. Been on opioids for long time since 17 (now) arthritis meds haven’t worked. Been on lots of steroids off and on for years. The two
Conditions together can be unbearable at times. Rheumatologist doesn’t know what to do. I am looking at several possible alternative treatments, all very expensive. Diet was changed years ago with recent more foods eliminated, very strict diet the last two weeks, no cheating with gluten or sugar. So many food sensitivities. Tried physical therapy again. For third time in last two years. I always flare up lasting 4-5 days. Explain to PT about my sensitivity. They don’t seem to understand. Just massing my left shoulder ended up horribly sonI stopped. Pain was horrific! I would welcome any advice. Thank you.
Hi @Dezign and welcome to the forum. I know you have already read my long post abou t the various things People can do to help themselves with fibro. It also sounds from your post as if you have tried a lot of things, and are very actively working with your body in an on-going way, which is something for which you should take a lot of credit. It's not always easy to keep doing that, over years, and that's something people here understand. So, good for you.

I wish I had something new to add, but I really don't.
People are here on this forum to do their best to help each other, though, and it's possible that someone will suggest something you have not yet tried, and that might help you. I hope so. But in any case, you are welcome to stick around and to offer the wisdom that you have no doubt accumulated over the years of dealing with fibro. Just knowing that they are not alone is something helpful in itself for new members and for people who are new to this. We try to be a supportive group.