I've had the light headedness and weakness now and then the past, maybe a year now, but every time BP checked , it's fine. The chemists here will do a test on request, so I took to doing that, and even walking along the street and a bit light headed, straight into the nearest chemist, still seemed to be within the okay range. I figured just fibro. (As we tend to do)
I had cut back on salt, not that I ever had much, but seems I actually was on the correct requirements for my body, so getting back to that now.
So happened it dropped while I was waiting for doc appointment, only way it got caught. She quizzed me, pretty sure it's the lack of salt and not enough water. I had to drink about 700ml of water, and wait 15 minutes then have the nurse check again. All normal, a bit closer to the lower end, but normal. Doc happy with that.
The next couple of weeks I used a BP monitor I was loaned, so I could learn what was low BP and what was fibro, and that has helped me tackle it. Hardly an issue now, so I am pretty content I was just not drinking enough and I'm back to adding salt to my meals again.
My BP has always been fine, except for odd occasions, like it went sky high at end of both pregnancies, hence induced (dangerous for bubs) but they were both over by a week anyway
If it were to continue, I'll definitely get it checked further, but for now, I think it's okay. One gets so tired of going to doc for "nothing", but better than missing something important