High Blood Pressure


New member
Apr 23, 2024
Good Morning, I was wondering if anyone has developed High Blood pressure do to the pain of your Fibromyalgia or at least during flares. I have had Fibro for 27 years now but now that I'm 50 I have discovered that things are getting harder and im having more flare ups and other symptoms such as High Pressure I already take Beets supplement that is supposed to help so I'm scared to think what it would be without take them. Any feedback would be appreciated and If so are you on any High pressure medication?
Hi @Yep91
I have recently developed very high blood pressure after always having low or normal BP. As yet I doing know what is causing it.

Whilst I am not on any meds for fibro pain I am on an anti inflammatory that can raise BP. I took myself off this as I wondered if the drug, which can raise BP was making things worse.

When I spoke to my GP she said "but don't forget being in pain can also raise blood pressure ". So possibly your flare ups can make things worse.

However I would definitely recommend you see a dr about this, and get checked out. There are many reasons for high BP and it can lead to further health issues. Don't be scared - stress and worry can add to BP, so best to see a dr.

I am currently on a low dose of meds to get things stable, and will monitor my levels with guidance from my dr. Do speak to someone. It may just be a temporary thing, but is easily helped with meds and drs reviews. Unexpected health issues can of course be scary,but best to check things out, that way you can have your mind put to rest, or get some proper advice.
Hi @Yep91 Welcome to the forums 🤗 🤗 🤗 Hi @SBee

Actually, about 3 months ago, I found out I suffer from bouts of low blood pressure. I think it's happened off and on for a few years now, but doctor can find no cause.

I just need to up my water and salt intake (I had cut back on salt) so that's how I control it. It makes me feel sleepy and sort of blah, so now I know how to quick fix, lick salt, but I am adjusting my diet back to the former salt levels. Not much, actually, but seems I need it :)

My post is probably of no help, but maybe you have made a simple dietary change that may affect the BP results.
Do you happen to take tizanidine or a muscle relaxant?
I had a very scary incident a few years ago. I was prescribed tizanidine, also known as Flexeril, but nobody informed me that it interacted with caffeine and could cause a sudden and dramatic drop in blood pressure. So I was having my coffee one morning shortly after taking my first tizanidine pill ever, I got up, and on my way back to the table I fell to the floor and almost lost consciousness.

I rarely take tizanidine now, and if I do I make sure I have not had any caffeine one to two hours before or after taking tizanidine. I have found that it is fine to have my coffee in the morning, and if needed, take a tizanidine tablet later in the day or at bedtime no problem. But never ever take it alongside caffeine or too close to anything containing caffeine.

Thought I'd mention it because like I said the Doctor who prescribed it did not advise me of that and, even though I always check drug interactions, that interaction did not show up back then. Now, in my drug app, it does show an interaction with caffeine and tizanidine.
Hi @JamieMarc

No, I am one of the fortunate ones not on anything for pain , but yes, we are not always informed of side effects and combinations, are we?

I was prescribed a cream for an infection, not so simple scratch on the leg, years ago, and the chemist listed a few warnings to me, and some were foods/drinks like your caffeine interaction. Since then, I ask the chemist if I am taking something new.

I'm only on thyroxine, low dose aspirin and vit D3. I'm on a Vitamin B complex, specifically chosen by a chemist over a decade ago. I was getting massive tingling in my feet and especially my hands, and he figured a few B's were lacking. They affect circulation. After a few days, no tingling, and I've been on them since. Blood tests show B's are fine now.

I would note that he spent some time checking every B mix he had (I've never seen such an array of vitamins and supplements) and he said THIS is the one that has the correct dosages for you. Specifically that product, that brand.
I sure do hope that your doctor or a specialist can get to the bottom of it and find out what's causing it. I think low blood pressure can be just as serious as high blood pressure. I'm fortunate in that my blood pressure has always been pretty much right on target, so everything I know about it is based upon friends and family with heart disease of some form or another. I just pray that your doctors can find the cause and rectify it. I think that must be a very scary thing to live with. I'm curious. Have you ever passed out because of one of your low blood pressure episodes?
Hi @JamieMarc

I've had the light headedness and weakness now and then the past, maybe a year now, but every time BP checked , it's fine. The chemists here will do a test on request, so I took to doing that, and even walking along the street and a bit light headed, straight into the nearest chemist, still seemed to be within the okay range. I figured just fibro. (As we tend to do)

I had cut back on salt, not that I ever had much, but seems I actually was on the correct requirements for my body, so getting back to that now.

So happened it dropped while I was waiting for doc appointment, only way it got caught. She quizzed me, pretty sure it's the lack of salt and not enough water. I had to drink about 700ml of water, and wait 15 minutes then have the nurse check again. All normal, a bit closer to the lower end, but normal. Doc happy with that.

The next couple of weeks I used a BP monitor I was loaned, so I could learn what was low BP and what was fibro, and that has helped me tackle it. Hardly an issue now, so I am pretty content I was just not drinking enough and I'm back to adding salt to my meals again.

My BP has always been fine, except for odd occasions, like it went sky high at end of both pregnancies, hence induced (dangerous for bubs) but they were both over by a week anyway 😁

If it were to continue, I'll definitely get it checked further, but for now, I think it's okay. One gets so tired of going to doc for "nothing", but better than missing something important ;)
Good to hear. I was concerned that if it were to suddenly drop too low and you passed out you could be seriously injured or even killed. That's what makes it so scary sounding. I was in my home when I almost passed out and it scared the heck out of me.

Sounds like you're doing well. I'm glad to hear that. I hope it keeps up. 🤗
Thanks @JamieMarc 🤗 🤗 🤗

I live on my own, and have four cats that I'm responsible for so yes, I try to be careful for me. I live in a small town, but keep to myself. Extra reason to make sure I am okay.

Actually, ( 2wq1k. that's cat saying hi, thought I'd leave it there for you 😁 ) the responsibility is good, I am taking far better care of myself than I used to, which can only be a plus.

When I figure how to do it, I'll post a pic of them ;)
Cool! Can't wait to see them.
Funny thing about salt...

I have been a heavy salter all my life. Not like gross amounts of salt. I just mean I practically salt everything, lately or more heavily depending on what I'm eating. Yet I have never in my life had high blood pressure.

I have often wondered whether a person can be salt deficient just like vitamin deficient of a particular vitamin. Because you think I'd have high blood pressure.

Just like water, animals need salt. We see animals using various means to get salt. Salt licks come to mind. Just a curiosity and something I have always wondered about myself.

Mum used to always cook vegies with a bit of salt, not much, maybe half a teaspoon, until one of my brothers got sick (think it was hepatitis) and doc said he needed salt free diet, so the lot of us got that. Always salt on the table, but not in the cooking.

I just seem to have kept that, although with my own family I tried to reintroduce it, but rare I think of it. A touch of salt can certainly bring out the flavours.

I've often wondered about salt , and yes, seems different people require different amounts. I remember mum saying how her grandpa would put so much salt on his meat that it would be white. He also smoked and chewed tobacco, literally died on his feet in his 80's. Obviously the salt was needed for his body. That much salt would make most people sick.
I love salt, yep, my mum also had a jar full and added to cooking veggies all the time @BlueBells and @JamieMarc but with family health issues I know too much is not good for me. I switched to a low sodium salt many years ago and try to stay away from high salt products. (Except my single bag of crisps a week. That doesn't count 😇)

We do need salt in our diets, in varying levels, and my brother has Addisons disease, and actually has to add extra salt in his diet if his levels alter.
Sigh, it's all back to Balance again...
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grandpa would put so much salt on his meat that it would be white.
My BFF who passed away in February, he had a great adventurous long life, would do the same thing, and he had heart disease and high blood pressure. He would practically dump salt on everything you know like having a little egg with your salt? LOL. I used to nag him about it but realized he was going to do what he wanted to do. But every time I saw him do that I would practically silently gag because I knew the only thing he would be tasting was salt! Personally, I salt almost everything but just enough to bring out the flavor to enhance the flavor no more than that.
@JamieMarc hmmm. you are a tad more restrained than me then 😁 but I've had to change on the salt front even more.

as my BP has rocketed I am trying to me sensible and make small manageable changes. I want/need My life to be as good as it can be. And I've realised although I have in some ways felt ' betrayed ' by my body, it's actually held me up in a pretty amazing way with everything that's been thrown at it the last couple of years. So I deserve to give myself a helping hand to keep it going!

Your BFF like all of us have choices, and he chose to live life his way. You must be devastated at losing him, as you choose only good people to be in your life, but I suspect your love and admiration for now he lived will remain high .
@JamieMarc @SBee

Jamie, so sad to hear of your friends passing. Hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
He would practically dump salt on everything you know like having a little egg with your salt?
I had a friend like that, sadly passed away late 2019. Sometimes he'd ask me to stay for tea, but when I did, I could barely eat anything. Excellent cook, beautiful for the first couple of mouthfuls...then the salt would go whack !!!!

It was a tender subject, but over time (years) I got him to actually test run cutting back on salt. It was then I found out 2 or 3 TABLEspoons of salt in the vegies, and similar rates in everything else to enhance flavour.

I got him to test run for a week of cutting the salt to tea spoons instead, and within the week, he said he was starting to taste food again, and cut back even more. Sadly this was within a year of his passing, I'd no idea he had lung cancer :(

A few years earlier. I am allergic to cigarette smoke. He'd tried quitting a few times, but when it was affecting me, he finally quit. Was the extra incentive he needed. Over the next few months he found he was starting to smell and taste food in a way he'd not done since his youth. That was why he tried the salt idea, that was a couple of years or so after quitting smoking.

Like @SBee says, balance. We don't always realise how easily a bit too much, or little, of this or that may affect other things. In this case, taste and smell.

(Except my single bag of crisps a week. That doesn't count 😇)

Of course it doesn't 😁😁😁 (we won't tell )