Hi all. I am sitting here stressing out from my pain. And I'm sure my high stress doesn't help my Fibro. So of course my fibro gives me pain all over. I have a lot of pain in my neck, traps, shoulders and upper arms. BUT a GREAT majority of my pain in is my hips.......very tender to the touch on my hip sides. This majority of pain also extends to my ribs.......(no chest pain) this pain is all around my ribs.....front, sides and back. And oh my gosh, that whole rib area is so tender to the touch. Like if I ran my hand down my whole side from my underneath my arm pit to my hips, it is all just so sore (but as I said also have pain in the front and the back rib area) Anyone else there have this "circle" area of pain? Seems strange, but since I was diagnosed with Fibro, nothing pain wise should surprise me now. Thanks ahead of time for any of your replies.