They say migraine is hereditary and that is why I did not question anymore why I have it. I am a witness on how my mom suffered from it. I got it because of her. Over the years, i have been taking pain relievers to kill the pain, but now that I am more mature and always think of what the possible reactions of my body with the drugs that I always take, I eased on pain relievers and divert to other ways to ease the pain. Sleeping is one of the ways that worked effectively on me. On the onset of the attack, I would sleep it over. It may require long hours of sleep, though. Like two or so. But at least, I do not take drugs anymore. THe only time I take pain relievers is when I am in the work place or when I am on the road. Other than that, sleep is the best option.
If this works on migraine, this may work on other pains too!
If this works on migraine, this may work on other pains too!