How Do You Cope?

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Jan 16, 2013
Chronic Pain is one of the biggest challenges for those of us with Fibro. Medication can keep that at bay, but the other issues are more complex. Not being able to sleep even though I feel completely drained, my intestines having a mind of their own, anxiety, depression and just generally feeling lost.

So, I'd love to know, how do you cope?

I write a lot, have a lot of "mood" music and write daily affirmations in my journal. And I love to laugh. Thankfully, it never hurts to laugh :)
For me, the pain and lack of energy I thought was the worst, but in time, the result was really bad depression. I've found that as I learn more about coping and acceptance, the depression is what was preventing me from putting what I was learning into practice. I finally broke down and realized that I needed help. I've been on Wellbutrin, 300mg a day now for just over a year and what a difference it's made. I'm not "happy", or "up", but it's definitely taken the edge off and I don't feel like all things are shades of grey. I'm not sad from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed.

Not having really low lows has made it possible for me to look at my condition with more acceptance and try to focus on some of the positives in my life, family, friends, and even some hobbies I've been trying to reconnect with.
My sister didn't believe the doctor at first, she insisted it must be something in the water or in her apartment that was making her feel like she did, but as reality set in she changed her lifestyle and began eating right and exercising even if it hurt. Life is short and all you can do is stay fit so she decided to control what she can and not worry about what she can't. Stress, it's important to avoid it!
Hi bigbigfan, it's a "tough pill" to swallow (hehe), but the diagnosis comes with mixed emotions I found .. on the one hand "hey I'm not crazy", on the other hand, "hey I might never get better".
Sometimes I don't cope. The pain knocks me back and I now suffer from depression with associated anxiety. I have days where I'll stay in bed. Days where I'll take some ibuprofen to ease the pain. I'm probably a joy to live with. Ask my wife. But yeah, at least after 30 years, I know what's wrong and can put a name and face to the problem.
I know that my mother tries coping by resting in a dark room with music playing. She keeps the music fairly low. It may not work for everyone. I think it is just something that helps to keep her calm. It basically takes her mind off of the pain.
I know that my mother tries coping by resting in a dark room with music playing. She keeps the music fairly low. It may not work for everyone. I think it is just something that helps to keep her calm. It basically takes her mind off of the pain.

Jesus! You're mother is brilliant. When I interact with my patients, a few ideas they use, inroder to cope up with pain are -

1. Hear Music
2. Watch Television shows that distract them
That's awesome Izac Joz. I will also have to suggest to her about watching television shows that she enjoys. They could probably help to take her mind off of the pain and discomfort. She loves General Hospital. I'll have to recommend that to her!
Anything to get my mind off it. The more I think about it the worse I feel. A good movie can really help when I'm stressing out over it.
That's awesome Izac Joz. I will also have to suggest to her about watching television shows that she enjoys. They could probably help to take her mind off of the pain and discomfort. She loves General Hospital. I'll have to recommend that to her!

Now, she mostly spends time in the church praying. I didnt restrict her, because is she is comfortable with it, then i am happy with it too!
That is good. My mother is very religious. I will also talk to her about prayer. I don't think she has thought about praying as a form of meditation and relief of pain. Thanks for your good advice! :)
Sure! I'll ask my mom more about methods she adopt to control and forget all this and I will let you know soon!
I hope this link helps with some ideas on how to deal with chronic pain. I don't have chronic pain myself so I don't know how useful it is, but I think the advice given here sounds pretty logical

Managing Chronic Pain: 11 Coping Tips
For me, It all depends, sometimes I get really bad pain to the point that I can't think straight and I get in a really bad mood and other days it isn't so bad. I normally just try to go on with my regular things, cleaning cooking etc. or listen to relaxing music and sometimes I will try to put my attention to something else to get my mind off the pain. It is really hard to live with some days more then others.
Each day is different for me so depending on how I am feeling depends on my plans for the day. On bad days I just take it easy, spend time on facebook, I do a lot of knitting, watch a good movie, take a nap. On good days if the weather is good will get out for a walk with my sheltie. I am blessed by a family that trys to understand and my husband is my soulmate. He has to do 80% of the housework as anything too heavy or involves pushing, pulling I don't manage very well. I have at times had a chair massage which works wonders for me. I want to try water therapy soon as I have heard many good things about that.
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