Another thought I have had on "Other People Don't Get It....Don't Understand.......and so on.
None of us ever understands what something really is like for another person because we are not in that body and mind.
This applies to the Other People Who Don't Get It, and it applies to ourselves as well, in that we also do not understand them equally as they don't understand us. It's not a one way street.
There are so many things that I have been
so sure of in my life, in terms of who I was, and how I would handle a certain situation or how I thought about something important.
There have been so many of those which have changed completely...done a 180....due to experiences I have had.
Others have done a 180 and then eventually came to a place somewhere in the middle.
Everything we really Know comes from experience. If we have not experienced in in some way, in some form, then we will not be capable of truly understanding it.
This applies most of all to the experiences of others.
I cannot possibly truly understand the priorities and feelings of a refugee fleeing with only the clothes on their back because I have never had to do that. I cannot imagine what losing a leg would be like. So many things. And other people really cannot understand or even imagine what our lives are.
I have stopped even wanting anyone to Understand or Get It. They can't.
Instead, what I strive for in the people I know is for them to believe what I say, understand the things that I am actually able to explain to them such as what helps me and what makes things worse, what I really need for my body and what is less important, and then with the things they cannot possibly truly understand, I wish for their acceptance of me the way I am.
I find that I achieve this best if I do not complain - ever - but instead simply state facts and what the consequences are and what I can or cannot do. So: "I am in a lot of pain right now, but if I can lie down with a heating pad and not have to talk to anyone for a half hour or so I might be able to participate better in what we are doing." or, "I can't do that today after all. I am so sorry, I want to do it, but my body says no and I can't override that without suffering consequences that are out of proportion to the importance of doing this today."
In other words....Just the facts, ma'am.
And I do my very best to be cheerful about it, and if I cannot manage that, then I stay neutral and never whiney or indulging in self-pity because those things are counter productive for people to understand or believe you, and they only make it worse for me, anyway.
So for me, my real goals are my acceptance of me and how things are.
My wish with other people is always that they will accept me as I am.
And my goals in dealing with other people is acceptance of who and how they are no matter what that is.
Acceptance doesn't mean approval or acquiescence. It just means not fighting with what is.
So for people who seriously Don't Get It and do not try, or who refuse to listen to me or believe me, then, my goal is acceptance of the situation, if how they are means I don't spend time with them because it is unhealthy for me.
Hearing a theme here?