I am experiencing major pain relief. But my life wasn't always this enriched.

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New member
Mar 3, 2013
Glutathione offers Fibromyalgia sufferers relief from pain in joints, bones and muscles.

I have found this information for my friend. Maybe it can help you too.


Wishing you the best.
This is something new that I haven't heard of. Thanks for sharing! I'm definitely going to have to take some time to look into it for myself.
This is something new that I haven't heard of. Thanks for sharing! I'm definitely going to have to take some time to look into it for myself.

Hi Brenda Marie, There is a ton of information about this and it can be very confusing if you don't have a biochemistry degree and that is the case for the link above (Wiki). That one is almost useless for regular understanding and was changed from what I posted for information. Several easy to understand explanations exist.

And, the above quote has become a testimonial from a special lady which you can read at http://www.the-age-of-woman.com/glutathione-testimonial-fibromyalgia.html unless for some reason the moderators of this forum remove all such links. I hope not because this is information that could really work for you too.
Thanks for sharing the information. I have found it is worth checking different treatments out even if I can not use them myself, I can tell someone else about them.

Did you start taking this form of treatment?

How long before you felt better? How is it taken?

It says taken orally that it does not work well, so I was wondering the method of treatment.

Please share more details of your own experience with this ingredient.
Is this a synthetic or homopathic type of drug? I have never heard of it but I am interested in learning more. My biggest problem with any drug is that the side effects are horrible for me. I seem to have a very low tolerance for any medication. So if there is anything out there that could help. But not make it worse for me to even function because of the side effects, that would be worth looking into.

Ok and I am confused, does this medication not come in pill form? I hope this is not an injection.
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