Ugh...sorry for any confusion. I should have added on to my original post instead of starting a new one. That would have been less confusing! I'm going to try to do a "timeline" of sorts here. If nothing else, to help myself analyze what happened when. The lines are so, incredibly blurred for me. I think that's part of the reason I've been sick for a year and a half with no diagnosis. goes (bear with me).
Six years ago my first child was born. Soon after, back pain started and has been off and on since then. I blamed it on an epidural and just being a parent (all the bending, lifting, etc)
15 months ago my health fell apart overnight. I was 32, healthy, active, worked a full time job, exercised every day, had very little stress.....loved my life. Out of the blue I have two random fainting episodes, seizure type activity, dizziness, massive fatigue, insomnia.....the list goes on. Had every blood test under the sun.....nothing! Finally went to a neuro in December as my GP wanted to rule out MS. At that time the neuro sort of "threw in" an EMG as I had mentioned some tingling and weakness in my arms (nowhere else). Nothing remarkable came of he EMG or MRI. I was dismissed as anxious and sent on my merry way.
Over the last year. My health has not really improved, but I did manage to have several good months in a row. I was feeling optimistic. Still, I'm tired all the time, my body feels tired, weak, limp, painful (constantly). Again, I made excuses. I assumed it was because I've gained weight, have been working out less and less, have become more sedentary due to the extreme fatigue.
Fast forward to two weeks ago. Something just changed in my body. My core feels so weak, like it can't support my weight anymore (I'm not overweight FYI)....I'm having horrible back pain....not sure if it's a spasm, pinched nerve.....what? This is what has landed me here. I'm not sure if I'm even close to what some of you experienced, because the lines are so blurred as to when everything started.
So long story GP here in China (yep I moved to the middle kingdom during all this chaos) did a brief neurological work up in the office. His observation of "some weakness" was in response to my ability to push and pull my legs hike he was holding them. He's not a neuro.....and ho knows, maybe he's just strong. All I know is that I'm in a ton of pain (I know not typical in early ALS, but onset is debatable which is why I'm freaking out!)
I'm supposed to fly to Hong Kong on Friday where they will do another EMG (my back this time) and a lumbar puncture....possibly an MRI.
So that's it. Thank you for listening....I truly, truly appreciate everyone's comments!