Impostor Syndrome

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Hi JayCS -
VERY well put. And I agree with fibro fog not being a fog. In the fairly early stages of my dad’s dementia, I was given a “name” for when he mixed words (often). Word salad. An example - dad slid through a red light, and t-boned a police car. He told them - “The light turned purple, and I slid on the plate.” The officer that called me stated dad was adamant, and was getting angry. My turn to teach the officer. He was grateful, as he had seen this in his mom, but didn’t realize it was a symptom of dementia. (our conversation had a pause, which caused me to ask if he was okay).
There are days when my word salad is bad. And days when my CRS (Can’t Remember Stuff) is horrible. I use a calender app to help me get through those days.
Then there are days/weeks/months when I am “fine.” I forget I even have Fibro… until I hurt for “some reason.” For me, “hurting for some reason” is pain beyond what I deal with due to a back injury, and subsequent failed surgery. My hubby is very good at gently reminding me.
@RyanNoelle - you will find a way to live with the diagnosis. You will find a way to refer to it. Right now, I’m not using a word, but a phrase - “My body isn’t being very kind to me right now.” It’s simplistic - but oddly, most people seem to understand that SO MUCH better, than saying “I’m having a Fibro-flare.” Because Fibro-flare requires explanation. And seeing the eyes glaze over…. Never mind. Enough said. LOL.
Does this mean we've got early dementia? (I do get worried about my memory and word's sometimes) should i look into this?
(bit worried now) 😔
I’m NOT saying we have dementia!!! I’m saying this is a new way to say what our brain / mouth are doing. The brain “tosses” the words, and gives us salad.

I have had my hubby ask if I meant I want bacon on my cereal, because that was the word I said, instead of strawberries. It is just the word my brain grabbed at the time. And at the time, I was 44 - no dementia.
Phew, ok thanks I feel better now, Bacon on cereal 😆, can relate, I've come out with all kinds of silly things. At least we can laugh at it so that's cool, ps I think you and blitzy are from the same place
🥣 🥓
I have had my hubby ask if I meant I want bacon on my cereal
But surely laughing? 🧐 If my wife'd think I really meant my word salad 👍 she'd start getting all muddled up herself....
The verbal confusion is a strange one, I think it was after my father passed in 97 I started to say words that rhymed with what I meant to say, very strange.

The guilt that can go along with FM can be awful, bottling up all the stress and keeping appearances for other people's sake. While wondering if I could go back to work my brother proved he's listened by reminding me impact of FM has had. It doesn't help living in a deprived yet beautiful area, living day to day with the awful aches is hard enough.
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