Hi this is my first time on this forum...
I would really appreciate if someone can help me out here. I do understand that i might not be in the right forum but i am very confused and in a bad situation..
I'm sorry in advance
I'm 27 male
About 3 months ago I had costochondritis. GP told me take advil which i did. About 3 weeks after that I noticed fasiculations in my leg. I didn't think much. I hadn't exercised in the last three weeks so I decided to jog but after the 15th step had to stop cause of severe knee pain. Got very scared. After that went to process of rheumatologist to rule out anything joint related which they did. No famIly history of arthritis either. For last 2 months have had severe muscle loss in leg and now starting to move to upper body. Have basically been bedridden.. MRI ruled out MS my GP said. All blood work has been fine. Was also HIV NEGATIVE. I have all movements and control of muscle except their so weak that I crawl around the house or try to use crutches. I have accepted my fate as something awful since I've always been active and being confined to bed for the last 2 months and being able to walk only few steps a day is not normal I know. I've read a lot of forums and found overwhelming information but nothing quite related to my case and muscle loss so rapidly. My neurologist said EMG looked ok.
I'm sorry again since i know that EMG being ok is a positive sign but i havent walked more then a few steps a day for the last 2 months.
Was wondering if someone has a similar case to mine.
thank you
I would really appreciate if someone can help me out here. I do understand that i might not be in the right forum but i am very confused and in a bad situation..
I'm sorry in advance
I'm 27 male
About 3 months ago I had costochondritis. GP told me take advil which i did. About 3 weeks after that I noticed fasiculations in my leg. I didn't think much. I hadn't exercised in the last three weeks so I decided to jog but after the 15th step had to stop cause of severe knee pain. Got very scared. After that went to process of rheumatologist to rule out anything joint related which they did. No famIly history of arthritis either. For last 2 months have had severe muscle loss in leg and now starting to move to upper body. Have basically been bedridden.. MRI ruled out MS my GP said. All blood work has been fine. Was also HIV NEGATIVE. I have all movements and control of muscle except their so weak that I crawl around the house or try to use crutches. I have accepted my fate as something awful since I've always been active and being confined to bed for the last 2 months and being able to walk only few steps a day is not normal I know. I've read a lot of forums and found overwhelming information but nothing quite related to my case and muscle loss so rapidly. My neurologist said EMG looked ok.
I'm sorry again since i know that EMG being ok is a positive sign but i havent walked more then a few steps a day for the last 2 months.
Was wondering if someone has a similar case to mine.
thank you