1sweed, thanks for that post. It is all too easy for those of us with a fibro diagnosis to assume every darn thing we experience is fibro, because so many of them are.
And we all have such different symptoms and severity that pretty much anything goes when it comes to fibro.
This could be dangerous, if a person ignored something thinking it was just more fibro stuff, and in fact is was something serious that needed attention separate from the fibro. Of course, how to tell the difference is not necessarily easy either.
I have a wide variety of symptoms as well, but all of them fall well within the range of "typical" for fibro sufferers. Perhaps except the intense pain I feel in the cartilage of one ear. Happens more days than not, lasts several minutes, then stops. No doctor has ever been able to tell me why or what to do about it, and they all say they have never heard of it before. (NOT helpful!
One thing that I have noticed that came with the fibro for me is that when I hurt myself in any way it feels so profoundly much worse than it ever did previously in my life. I always had a high pain threshold and now it's ridiculously low and I am ashamed of that.
And, whenever I get hurt I immediately become nauseous. The harder the hurt, the worse the nausea. Bad enough, and I won't be able to eat the rest of the day.
What I do, though, whenever I hurt something and am in intense pain from it.....I give myself about one minute to be with that pain and then I tell myself it is time to think about something else. And I go about my day as if the pain were not there, and ignore it. It doesn't make it go away but at least that way the pain doesn't cripple me.