Is there a name for the pain?


Jul 22, 2024

I've realised that I don't actually know to describe my pain to others, and that there may be some names to the different types.

I currently have a generalised dull pain in all my muscles, they fatigue very quickly and they are all mostly sore, predominantly more noticeable on the right side than the left. Does this have a name?

When those muscles get stressed more than usual (like sleeping in the wrong position, or standing up longer than 10 mins) which can be combined with nausea, that pain can be unbearable, but I don't know if it has a name.

Any thoughts, ideas, personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!

I replied to this question in your first post, here: Need help describing pain

I also have pain combined with nausea, by the way. And I think that is not uncommon with fibromyalgia. Sometimes I think certain kinds of pain cause stomach upset, although I don't know why.
Thank you! The double post was just me being a newbie on the platform. Appreciate your answer!
Thank you! The double post was just me being a newbie on the platform. Appreciate your answer!
Understandable. No problem.
And, by the way, if ever your post doesn't appear right away, wait for 24 hours if possible before deciding to post again. Sometimes, for reasons we don't understand, a post will randomly get sent to the moderator approval queue and it will wait until one of the mods sees and approves it. That doesn't happen often; usually if a post gets sent for approval it's because there is an outside link in the post, or some other forum rule has been broken, but occasionally it will just happen for no discernible reason. The other moderator and I will approve it as soon as we see it.
That's make sense, I appreciate it!
I also suffer with nausea and sometimes vomiting. I never thought it was tied to Fibromyalgia pain but I have been seeing a Gastro doctor for 8 months and still have no good cause for my symptoms so I now need to know how to deal with the constant nausea. I have lost 40 pounds in five months and I no longer enjoy eating.
I also suffer with nausea and sometimes vomiting. I never thought it was tied to Fibromyalgia pain but I have been seeing a Gastro doctor for 8 months and still have no good cause for my symptoms so I now need to know how to deal with the constant nausea. I have lost 40 pounds in five months and I no longer enjoy eating.
I also have chronic nausea, so I think I fully understand what you are experiencing, although I never vomit.
I suspect that in my case it is caused by anxiety, because I also have chronic anxiety, and to me it seems related.
But I know that many people with fibro also report periodic or chronic nausea and other gastro-intestinal issues such as IBS.

Is there any chance yours is caused by anxiety?

I used to have a lot of stomach/intestinal issues before I went gluten-free, which almost immediately cleared up about 75% of the problem.
Have you tried going gluten free?

I suspect the anxiety being the culprit these days for me, because it has not in the past seemed to be as bad on the days I was not feeling the anxiety. These days, however, the anxiety is pretty much constant, has been for ab out 6 months, and there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it, as I have tried various ways of relaxing it to no avail. I hate the thought of taking medication, but am considering asking a doctor for anti-anxiety meds because of the fact that I am way too thin to risk losing more weight, and the nausea makes it extremely hard....actually impossible.... to eat enough on a daily basis.

have you tried cannabis for the nausea? It is well known that it can really help with that -- has been given to cancer patients for decades. If you can get it, I recommend using a tincture or a gummy or other edible so you are not smoking anything. If you start with a tiny dose and work up very slowly you might find a level that you can take without getting stoned (if you are like me, and don't really want to be stoned!).
I have been wondering if gluten might be the issue. I am going to try to get gluten out of my diet. In my experience anti anxiety medications come with too many side effects and are very addictive. So I would suggest meditating and deep breathing. If that doesn't work look into TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) it is covered by insurance and has no side effects.
@ckahern If you go off gluten as a test, be sure that you eliminate it completely from your diet for at least a month or you won't find out anything.
This means reading every single ingredient label of everything you eat, because you wouldn't believe how many things have wheat in them that you would never guess. Condiments, especially. Even soy sauce is made of wheat. And any kind of pre-prepared or packaged food almost always has wheat in it. Remember that barley and rye also have gluten, and triticale is only a combination of wheat and rye, so that's not good either.
You really have to be careful if you are gluten-free because it's in almost everything. I can walk down whole aisles of a grocery store and not see a thing I can eat. But it's been worth it to me to have fewer problems with my GI system.
Good luck with that experimentation....I hope you get information from it.

Yeah, tried meditation and that isn't my thing at all, unfortunately. I tried it twice, once for two years and once (a different method) for a year, so it's not like I gave up too easily. It was hell for me, and certainly didn't help anything, but I hung in there stubbornly hoping that my meditation teachers were right and I would eventually see benefits. I never did.
I know it's great for most people who do it and it's too bad that I can't manage it but so it goes. . Deep breathing is completely ineffective for anxiety. I can manage to bring down a really bad anxiety/panic attack by doing bio feedback using a pulse/oximeter, but that doesn't help with the constant anxiety that is the real problem.
My insurance doesn't cover that TMS treatment, even if it were available where I live.
I never realised that gluten free must be 100% gluten free. I’ve been doing that all inaccurately. I’ll be able to attempt a proper gluten free after Xmas hopefully 🤞
I find it pretty calming, actually.
Well, of course, I meant that in reference only to myself. I should have made that clear. I have no doubt that it helps for some people, it just doesn't work for me, unfortunately.
I never realised that gluten free must be 100% gluten free. I’ve been doing that all inaccurately. I’ll be able to attempt a proper gluten free after Xmas hopefully 🤞
Yes, it has to be 100%. After all, if you have a sensitivity to something it is similar to having an allergy to something in that even a tiny bit of the substance will set off a reaction.
I went gluten free for 6 weeks before I noticed a difference, also had to go dairy free. Sometimes I take .25-.5 lorazepam to sleep on a need basis. After 3 or 4 days I decide that sleep is worth the meds. Good luck. Not a one size fits all.
I recently thought of another way to explain something to a person who doesn't have fibromyalgia or ME or some other debilitating and exhausting condition.
Recently someone asked me why I was not doing X, Y, and Z. Why I didn't "just" do those things, if in fact I wanted to.
It came to me, and so I replied: "That is like asking someone why they are not paying all of their bills, when in fact that person has no money in the bank."