Itchy skin from exercise?

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Nov 23, 2020
Hi there, I’ve had fibromyalgia since I was 9. I am now 50. Every time I’ve tried to do rigorous exercise, like running, aerobics, even walking on a very hot or cold day, my skin itches very badly. If I am walking with a backpack, it itches where it rubs against my back. Same with belts. I can’t wear stockings or leggings or my legs will itch. I’m wondering if this is from the fibromyalgia. Does anyone else experience this? It sucks big time and causes me anxiety attacks. Thank you for reading this.
Hi Hopeful7, welcome to the forum. I have not heard of exercise-induced itchiness in fibromyalgia previously, but perhaps others here have experienced it.

One thing I wonder is if it possibly could be that your anxiety is actually causing the itching rather than the other way around. In other words, you are anxious about your skin itching, and that exacerbates the problem. My best suggestion would be for you to work first on getting that anxiety level down the best you can, because no matter what physical issue you have anxiety and stress will make it worse and that goes fully for FM.

Other than that, I wonder if you have ever seen a dermatologist about this problem? And have you been tested for allergies? It could have to do with what you are wearing, or what you are putting onto your skin, or environmental factors like the chemicals used in your home or place of work. Investigating all of these could lead you to better information on what is going on.
Hi SunkaCola!
Thank you for your insight! I read also that is a phenomenon where your body releases histamines in response to your body heating up. I was wondering if other fibromyalgia patients had it because my understanning is that we have an overactive or sensitive nervous system. This idea jives with the fact that I have type 2 Bipolar Depression and Migraines that include face pain. I think all these conditions are linked by the nervous system. Do you have any ailments linked to the nervous system?
thanks again for your suggestions, I will look into them.
Hi there, I'm pretty new here but I had the itchy skin thing. Not long after waking up, my arms and legs were soooo itchy and night times going to bed, I couldn't sleep because I was itching so badly, at the point of damaging my skin, sometimes this happened in the afternoons also. I tied hayfever anti histamines but they were no help. I spoke to the pain clinic and they prescribed 180mg 1 a day Fexofenadine - I take one every day and it's stopped the itching. That may help you?
Hi there!
That is very helpful, thank you very much. I too itch for no reason, and also really badly when I exercise. I will ask my GP about that medication.
Thanks again, much appreciated!
Hi Hopeful,
I too have the itchiness you spoke of especially if I wear certain clothes. I can no longer wear leggings, my jeans and shirts have to be a size bigger, even my eye glasses cause my face to itch, my hair, omg my hair, I had to cut it all off, I could only wear it tightly pulled up. It feels like bugs are crawling and it's awful. The only relief I can find that helps is to make sure my legs are shaved, lotion well and a B complex supplement.
My sympathies are with you and if you should find something that helps please pass it along.
Hi Carolyn,
Oh wow! Sorry to hear of your suffering too. It gives me validation to be hearing that others have this problem. I think research needs to be done on why it happens and how to treat it. I think the nervous system of fibromyalgia sufferers is messed up. I take B12, but maybe I should try the whole complex. I will let you know if I discover any other treatments. This has been driving me crazy all my life. I too cut my hair short but because I had trichotillomania, the urge to pull it out when stressed. I know about the crawly feeling too. I hope more research will help us!
I also have this problem, it’s really frustrating especially when I am trying to fall asleep. I do find Benadryl works, but I am not sure if it just makes me drowsy so I fall asleep, rather than relieving the itching. I thought that my itching while exercising was a separate issue, I actually thought it was normal!
I am 52 years old, I have been battling FM since my teen years, was diagnosed twice in the past 12 years. I did notice itchy raised red patches on my but cheeks everytime I sit on hard surfaces or exercising bikes, also when I wear belts and jeans, it may take couple days to disappear.
My skin would itch a lot, because it is very dry. I keep contact to water, soap, shampoo (& sweat) down to a minimum, only wear (organic) cotton, etc. It itches after a 2 minute cold shower, and after a 5 minute warm one. I try to do without lotions, because the rubbing often makes it worse.
I too have the drowsiness problem with Benadryl. I have been avoiding long walks on hot days because that is a trigger. I find walking more slowly helps a bit. But it’s such a stressful symptom… me anxiety anticipating it happening.
Here's what's causing that itchy feeling: During a workout, your heart rate and blood flow increase. Your heart is pumping more blood (and oxygen) to the muscles you're using during your workout. In response, your capillaries and arteries expand to accommodate the amount of blood moving through the body.
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