Looking for help!

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New member
Nov 5, 2014
Ok after years of looking for socks to keep my feet warm finally found the right type of wool blend! Now need leggings. Between the fibro and Reynard syndrome I am always cold! Feels like I'm walking on broken legs. Bought heat tamers and no luck still have multiple layer. Want to stay away from wearing so many layers! 3 pairs of socks 3 pairs of pants and 3 shirts/ sweatshirt. So anyone have luck with anything out there for my to try?
Hi there and welcome to the forum. Gosh, I know what your going through and can only tell you what I do to keep warm. I wear a extra cotton tee shirt under my top long sleeved shirt. Usually I wear turtle neck shirts in the winter and regular tee shirts in the summer. I also bought long johns to wear under my jeans in the winter and use leggings or tights in the summer. In very cold weather I wear a thermal shirt under the other shirts to stay warmer. Always wear gloves and a hat. And I wear socks to bed, as well as, in the daytime.

In bed I keep plenty of covers on, plus a extra blanket over my feet and hips. I use a cotton fiber 3-4 inch thick pad and a 3 inch foam pad underneath to ward off muscle pain and stay nice and warm. I thing other members will be able to add to this as well.

Hope you will come back often and read and post, and enjoy sharing your thoughts on this site. Look forward to getting yo know you by reading you posts. :)
For some reason I am always hot. Wonder why everyone else is cold and I am hot.
One of the things I do is sit on a heating pad. I have leather furniture and even in Florida, Winters get cool. I warm up my chair and it doesn't feel as cold.
Don't worry Krista, you aren't alone. I swing from usually cold to sweating hot, then back to freezing all the time. I don't think my internal thermometer works. When I was working, I would wear silk longjohns under my pants and shirts. I usually wore a pair of cotton socks with wool ones over them and fingerless gloves. Everyone has to have those. They're great because you can still type and write with them. They're very inexpensive also.....
Yes I too am always hot. Everyone thinks I am crazy!
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