Mononucleosis and Fibromyalgia

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New member
Feb 17, 2013

I was diagnosed with fibro/CFS in 1992 after I contracted chicken pox at age 28 and then a couple years later mononucleosis. In 1997, one month after I got married, I relapsed with mono and had a rather severe case. Fibro has steadily worsened ever since.

I am interested in connecting with others who have this condition; particularly as it relates to central sensitivity. It's frustrating trying to find out information about things like more comfortable clothing, how central sensitivity affects others, what works and what doesn't, etc.
I had a bad bout of mononucleosis also, this was about seven or eight years ago. What a coincidence. From what was my understanding, mono doesn't recur, or at least that's what I was told. Once you've had it and fought it off, you can't contract it again.

As for clothing, I find loose fitting clothing sometimes the worst as it rubs against my body and "hits" against my flesh. Are you similar? Have you tried things more tight fitting like Lululemon? I know it's expensive, but it tends to work better for me.
It's funny how many times in my rreadings in this condition how many times a couple of other conditions are mentioned. Thyroid being one but it's amazing how many times Mono comes up (we call it glandular fever in the UK)
I myself suffered really badly with it at around 13 or 14 years old. Mono itself I don't think reappears as such but can cause reacurring problems. I had it in the Easter then by Christmas I was back in the doctors for weekly blood test because mono had screwed something up in me. I never fully understood what that was but it was enough to have my parents and doctors concerned. The British Eastenders actress Martine Mcucheoen (sorry can't spell it) had reportedly eventually left the series because of bad health caused by Mono.
I have had a high EBV titer first test in 1986 was told later on that chicken pox, mono,& chronic fatigue go had in hand. have you heard this?
EBV titer, or Epstein-Barr Virus, absolutely is mono, chicken pox related, and definitely leads to chronic fatigue and pretty bad body pain, but once it clears up (usually around 3-6 weeks I think), it's suppose to pass.

Were you suggesting that having had Epstein-Barr Virus, like I've had, can lead to fibromyalgia later in life?
I had Mono when I was in my 20s as well. Quite a bad case. I was tested for EBV about 2 or 3 years ago now..? And I think my antibodies were really high. I have wondered if there's some sort of tie between the EBV and my pain, too, but I've not really found much about it. I'm curious, though.

I really should keep better track of all my tests and results. Ugh.
I thought EBV was mono, is it not?
Yes, EBV is mono but, like the chicken pox virus, lingers dormant in your system. I believe that, for me, the combination of contracting chicken pox at 28 -- which is surely a systemic stressor--then contracting EBV with the resultant mono infection caused my fibromyalgia. I can't speak authoritatively but I am convinced that that is the reason I have it today.

What has happened recently (i.e.) last five years is the development of central sensitivity. I cut tags out of clothes now; I can't listen to music like I used to (I sang a lot semi-professionally several years ago and can no longer do so); high shrill noises are very irritating.
WOW! How very interesting. I had mono when I was a child. But as an adult I had Fifth's Disease (measles family) and experienced severe pain with high temp. HORRIBLE! And my fibro symptoms appeared soon after... like I said, how very interesting.
yes, that was the first thing that was tested on me and was positive
I had mono as a teenager. Weird. Maybe they are related.
This is very interesting. I wish there was some sort of solid coorilation that they could pin point. I do have hypothroid. I got that almost 17 years ago after my son was born. As a young child I had a very severe case of chicken pox. And the fibro was not until about 3 years ago now. I have never had mono that I am aware of. But if I did have something like that I would probably know. I think i will research this and see what comes up. This is scary to have one illness string right along into another.
I had Mono when I was 15, and they diagnosed me with fibro a year later. I wonder if there really is a connection between having mono and getting fibromyalgia I wonder if any study was ever done on this. I googled it to look, and couldn't really find anything. I did find this interesting quote about mono from the medical dictionary though. " There is a notion that some of the autoimmune conditions are caused by a trigger in the shape of a virus. Like the papiloma virus and cervical cancer. So there might be a connection between fibromyalgia and a virus.
This is really interesting I have never had mono but was tested for it before I was diagnosed with fibro. Before fibro I had a very high tolerance to pain now my tolerance is very low. I do not have a big problem with the hyper sensitivity though I have the opposite problem the outer layer of my skin is rather numb like the effects of Novocaine that is starting to wear off. So clothing doesn't bother me but being touched with pressure does. Does anyone else have this?
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