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New member
Nov 14, 2014
Hi there :-o

I'm a 27 year old male that has gone through the rough end from the age of 16 and now over 10 years later I have become stronger and stronger to the point now I would say I am getting close to normal.

This post will be about my story of years of researching, seeing dozens of practitioners, trialing hundreds of different diets and supplements, doing every exercise and stretch you can think of and a lot of work on my state of mind! I will reveal what has worked for me and why I feel it will benefit others.

I was a long distant runner that used to be full of energy and loved to push my body to its full limits! But at the tender age of 16, I pushed my body to the extent I was in intense pain all over and I had hardly enough energy to get out of bed each day. I pretty much blew a fuse. I had dozens of symptoms. Bowel problems, reflux, chronic red eye, severe night sweats, constant pain that never went way in many parts of my body, very poor sleep, tingling down arms, burning feet and simply no energy along with many other symptoms. If I ever did any exercise, it could take up to a week to 'recover'!

I am a physio and have been working with people that have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for over 5 years. I know that everyone has different symptoms and everyone is affected by it differently. I don't feel that it is a particular disease or one particular 'bug' or 'virus' has caused these effects on people, but rather a dysfunction of the individuals body mechanics and physiological and psychological patterns.

However, in saying this, I feel that there are baseline approaches that are going to help the majority of people.

Let's start with your[U] body mechanics[/U].

I know many of you would have been to many chiros, physios, osteopaths, spiritual healers, acupuncturists etc just like I did!
Now chances are, you have an overall body movement pattern that is dysfunctional. By this, I mean you need someone to look at your body as a whole to correct the overall body pattern. You most likely have pain in many places of your body, working on each individual joint or muscle as many practitioners do, isn't going to be your long term solution.

You need to find a practitioner that looks at your body as a whole and treats in such a way your whole body starts to move better! I went through many many practitioners before I came across a very good osteopath who knew exactly what my body was doing wrong and how to correct it. It was over 2 years that I continually, gradually improved with his treatment which was in the end only every 6-8 weeks. Don't expect to get better over night!
It doesn't matter which field your practitioner comes from, but make sure they give you a firm treatment and they have a good reputation of helping people improve with chronic pain. There main focus should be also looking at your overall body movements, no just one particular area of the body.

Things to look out for!
- no, you do not need any contract ( eg '4 grand for 3 treatments a week for 6months') when looking for treatment. These people are more interested in your money! They do not care about your health! This is a signal to Run!
- spending a whole session massaging just your 'sore spots'. This makes no difference to you in the long run - though can be nice if you just want to relax and have the money to spend
- people that give you only core strengthening without actually addressing the body mechanics itself which may be restricting your core strength in the first place.
- electrical machines they put you on while they walk out of the room.
- exercises or treatment that seem to be making you worse over a period of time

For self management. I personally have found that overall body stretches work best for myself and other people that have fibromyalgia. This focuses on stretching the facial component of the body which is connected as one big organism in the body from head to toe. You may have pain in your neck but the main tension might be in your lower back or abdominals. It's once you've stretched out where the main tension in your body, your symptoms may start to settle! The area of pain and where your problem is, is most likely two completely different things. Don't be one of those patients that keep demanding their practitioner to focus on the area of pain, you are not helping yourself!

I would recommend watching myofascial unwinding exercises' on youtube for an idea on what type of stretches may help you.

So that's first up, working on body mechanics with a good practitioner and many full body stretches to do regularly!

Now to the physiological component - also a very important component!

Here we are looking at many fields, but I feel that the one main field to look at is your immune/ digestive system. I found this most useful.
Many of you will also have digestive problems!
Many are given drugs. (something to hide the symptoms without actually addressing the issue)
Chances are, you have blown a fuse of your endocrine system and it is no longer able to function properly to aid the digestion of your food. The digestive tract may also be full of 'bad bacteria' such as candida that doesn't allow your body to function properly.
Candida will only be in 'overgrowth' to actually help your body reduce sugar levels as other means of reducing the sugar levels in your blood have become exhausted!

You need to help support and boost your digestive system and immune system!
Not destroy it with antibiotics and drugs :mad:
People suffer from malnutrition because there body is unable to digest their food properly!

Two main things that I have found hugely beneficial for myself -

  1. Probiotics
    Digestive enzymes

The probiotics will help boost your the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. I had 5 years where I couldn't equalise the pressure in my right ear. I feel it was clogged up with bad bacteria. After taking probiotics for a couple of weeks, not only could I then equalise the pressure of both ears, my facial pain that came on/off went away for good! :-o

Digestive enzymes. - you can take all the supplements you want and have the best diet in the world! But it is pointless if you are unable to digest your food. Your pancreas may be exhausted and unable to supply the body its enzymes that are needed to digest food.
I went on many different diets trying to get my energy back. This included organic diets with lots of fresh fruit and vegies, to a sugar free diet and also a gluten free diet. Gluten free did help with my reflux, but nothing helped with my energy levels.

It was only when I started taking digestive enzymes with food, my body started to regain it's energy levels! I now eat gluten with no troubles at all.

Let's not leave out the obvious - or maybe not so obvious

This includes Mcdonalds, KFC, Burger King, processed sugars etc Simple :razz:

There is plenty of diet advice out there. But from my experience there is one thing I feel strongly about: Your body loves and naturally needs carbohydrates and loves to have proteins and fats help with the digestion. I feel that in the long run, you are better building a digestive system that can break down all nutrients and use efficiently rather then avoiding a nutrient like fat or carbohydrate altogether. I hope that makes sense? I know it is very debatable. But common sense says you need all nutrients.
I would suggest looking into 'Josh and Jeanne Rubin' on youtube about diet. An expert on diet and one that actually makes sense to me.

Now to the topic that I feel that is most important.

The state of mind\\

This is probably the most complex subject, as there as so many different components.
This is the component I worked on the most. It isn't an over night process. I did many many hours working on the way I thought and removing any past attachments from previous events in my life.

I also found vast improvements when I started living the life I wanted to live rather than the life my parents wanted me to live!

You do not need drugs for a good state of mind! This is definitely not a long term solution.

Your digestive tract is also linked to your mental health, so improving digestion may also help your state of mind.

I personal mediate regularly.
Meditation doesn't just mean clearing the mind, you can do amazing things like raising energy through the body, clearing past emotional blockages, reducing negative thoughts, the list goes on. Robert Bruce has a great book on raising energy of the body.

There is sooooo much you can do in this field. I would try to find a spiritual healer or person that can teach you how to work on these things. You can research yourself on the net and find amazing things! Many great videos on youtube on improving your state of mind. I also like subliminal healing, binaural beats, hypnosis, removing past emotions... you can find all of these things on youtube.

There is a lot of information that I have left out, there is so much! So if you have any questions please ask!

Here is a run through on the main things I found essential to my recovery:

- a good 'hands on' practitioner that looked at my body as a whole. Stretching out my body as a whole.
- meditation - and all the bits and pieces that come with improving the state of my mind
- improving my digestive tract! - with things such as digestive enzymes, probiotics, eating healthy, oregano oil (great at reducing colds too) and a strong multivitamin to help your endocrine system.


Just remember the road to recovery doesn't go in a straight line, you will have some ups and downs. Just don't let the downs discourage you and you will gradually improve over time. And it does take time! Don't expect some treatment or practitioner to heal you over night. The best thing you can do is put your body into an environment which allows itself to heal.

I gradually improved. It took me many years to find what worked best for my body. But I feel there are some protocols that will help the majority of people.

This is only based purely on my personal experiences and may not be beneficial for everybody, but will hopefully give some people a step in the right direction to their recovery

Good luck and ask away questions if you like!
Thanks for posting this. I found it to be very interesting to read and filled with lots of good information. This is what worked great for you and I like the detailed facts and helpful hints. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. :)
I agree great post and very helpful :)
There are professors, nurses and all kinds of people with great professions and outstanding jobs. Who have had to quit there jobs because of Fibromyalgia. Please don't tell these people that all they had to do was exercise!
You are welcome Sweed and Camille.

Lana, actually have a read of my post. You might find your post a little ignorant :)
Warner I am not ignorant, that wasn't very nice.
Warner, I suggest you watch your comments as we do not allow members to be rude or make nasty comments that hurt others. Your comment above was not necessary. Lana has the right to her own opinion of your posting. Please be more mindful of your reactions to comments in the future. This forum is to be supportive and uplifting, in areas of helping each other deal with Fibromyalgia.
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Thank you, 1swede, for your post. Each of us here are individuals; on our own course to better health. If one has found a path that has worked for them, kudos. That success, however, does not allow one to be condescending or better than. True healing comes with humility and compassion for others. Let us all be mindful and practice loving kindness.

Isn't this the second snake-oil peddling attempt you've made that I've seen? As someone who has done SEO copywriting, I'm also pretty sure that you are NOT the author of this post. Someone whose real name will never be attached to the post wrote that. It may never occur to you, but the person who wrote it is probably glad their name will never be attached to such drivel.

I've had people involved in MLM schemes suggest the solutions you're putting forth to me. I've not had to deal with this illness as long as others have, but if fibromyalgia were solved by something as simple as digestive enzymes and exercise, we wouldn't be here. Someone else's chronic illness is not your sales opportunity.
Bloody well put sinister,u no dam well when the post starts to write and write but never really tells u anything, till the end where they were saved with this or that , and the next thing u no your been asked for .......just 65 pound yes 65 pound and your life can be as good as mine .pass the sick bag pls.

First of all Lana, after quite a detailed set of information of some of the points on how I managed to improve myself with many different areas targeted, you replied by saying 'Please don't tell these people that all they had to do was exercise.' My post had very little to do with exercise. That's why I suggested you re-read my post as it may be helpful for you as you did not originally get the point of my post. I'm am sorry for calling you ignorant.

'As someone who has done SEO copywriting, I'm also pretty sure that you are NOT the author of this post.' I guess I will take that as a compliment :)

Swede I find 'Forgetmenot' and 'sinisterporpoise' posts quite negative. For someone that is simply trying to help others, I really shouldn't have to deal with such comments. It will make others shy away from trying to helpful as well. I have received at least 3 negative comments regarding my uplifting original post.

I am still here to help others... even the people that have written negative posts to me :)
Love to you all :)
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