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New member
May 23, 2013
:-( Hello, I am new here unfortunately not to fibromyalgia. I can look back to 1986 and see things I did not understand. I am on disability not a problem and on severe medications. If I am lucky enough to have two great hours as a former workaholic I misuse them because for awhile I am o k. It is a nightmare!
I am glad you found this forum because hopefully by reading the topic's here you will find some relief of your symptoms. Fibro has wrecked so many of our lives, in people just like you and me, who used to get things done. I had my own business housecleaning, and I was really good at it, until fibro reared its ugly head and took my dream away.

The only thing that has helped me hold back some of the symptoms is by reducing stress in my life. I can take a ton of pills, but if I try to continue to over do to much or having the stress put on me by others I usually end up in bed to weak to move. I too look back on the early days and can see the signs now that I was blind too back then. But with fibro there is no going back, no cure, just finding ways to cope and deal with it now.

Be sure to read through the pain sections and go back in the posts and read the different ways other people here manage to make their life's a bit easier and enjoy parts if not all of their days. Ask questions by starting your own topics and answer questions by providing how you cope and what works and what does not.

I hope to see your name around the forum and I hope you can feel at home here. :)
Thank you for the welcome to this forum. My husband has struggled with this disease for nearly a decade and what might be worse than the pain, is the view that people have with this disease, just like they do with Chronic Fatigue. They don't see a scar or a physical reason and they don't believe you are really in pain. They just think you are being lazy or imagining it. We have this trouble with my husband's family especially. What they don't see is a man who lies in bed at night, hurting in every part of his body, and nothing brings relief. It is a kind of pain that is raw and constant. I'm also glad that some medications are being researched for use for Fibr. patients. I will be reading all of your threads to see if I can discover something new (or old) that might help him. Thank you again.
Try getting him a cotton fiber bed pad or one made out of foam or feathers. These pads are up to three inches thick and provide comfort in sleeping for the extra padding helps by making you feel like your sleeping on a cloud. Muscles relax and pain is forgotton for the nighttime hours.
They come in all bed sizes and most department stores have them. See if it helps your husband. :)
I recently found a trick for me that helps me morning stiffness. I take 3 pillows place them in upright position and 1 log pillow for the neck put a heating pad on the pillow and a body pillow under the knees, relax and sleep. I was amazed to find a significant amount of stiifness gone, oh not to forget a muscle relaxer at bedtime. All my life I had been a side sleeper with my body pillow, but the tossing and turning all night and stiffing up thru out the night I just tried this and it worked for me. I hope it will work for you all as well.
that's a great idea! thank you for suggesting it. His stress level has increased with his job being in peril and heart health issues too. I worry so much about the pills he takes - so many f the pain meds depress his breathing which brings on pneumonia twice a year- they also make him depressed which brings on more stress. i don't know how to help him.
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